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Turbinicarpus gielsdorfianus


Cultivation and Mail Sale
of Cacti and Succulents.


Like most Turbinicarpus species, this is a handsome cactus with beautiful spine patterns.

Description: Usually solitary occasionally very clustering, globose to slightly cylindrical cactus
Stem: Bluish to greyish to yellow-green, older parts with whitish markings, up to 7 cm tall , 4,5-5 cm in diameter; apex barely sunken, with black spines tips emerging from a dense white woolly coat.
Root: Swollen bundled.
Tubercles: Loosely ordered, angular, conical-pyramidal , younger with steeper lateral surfaces, the older somewhat flattened out, rising from a wide hexagonal base, 3-6 mm long;
Areoles: Elliptical up to 2 mm long, with abundant ephemeral wool, later only with a tuft of wool in the short furrow, soon completely bald and corky.
Radial spines: 6 or 7, up to 2 cm long, awl-shaped, straight or with the tip curved, white in the basal portion and black at the tips, becoming completely whitish as they ages. Old spines dirty dark grey brown and packed together.
Cental spines: Usually absent but sometime 1 of the same colour and size of the radials.
Flower: Creamy-white with darker midribs, from the apical wool, individually or few, funnel-shaped; 18-20 mm long, 20-25 mm in diameter. The perianth tube with a ring-shaped constriction. Perianth tube approx. 5 mm long, expanding above, lower part without scales, pale olive-brownish. Scales only at the end, oblong, approx. 2-8 mm long, merging into the outer perianth segments, pale brownish green with light edge, reddish median, at the end with a somewhat curved, russet coarse hair-like tip, filaments white, anthers chrome yellow. Style white, approx. 12 mm long. Stigma lobes 5-6, overstanding the stamens, approx. 2 mm long, white, spreading, very papillose, almost hairy.
Fruit: Green dehiscing longitudinally.
Seeds: Dull-Black, kidney shaped, 1-1.2 mm long.


Short spined form

Long spined form



Family: Cactaceae (Cactus Family)

Scientific Name: Turbinicarpus gielsdorfianus (Werderm.) John & Riha 1983

Origin & Habitat: Native to the Valley of Jaumave, (near Cerritos) in the state of San Lois Potosi (Mexico). The Jaumave Valley in Tamaulipas is important for its considerable concentration of endemic species such as Obregonia denegrii  among others.

Conservation status: Listed in CITES appendix I


  • Echinocactus gielsdorfianus Werderm.
    In: Monatsschrift der Deutschen Kakteen Gesellshaft, 215-216,1929
  • Neolloydia gielsdorfiana (Werderm.) F.M.Knuth 1935
  • Thelocactus gielsdorfianus (Werderm.) Borg 1937
  • Gymnocactus gielsdorfianus (Werderm.) Backeb. 1951
  • Pediocactus gielsdorfianus (Werderm.) Halda 1998

Note: T. gielsdorfianus is possibly a transitional taxon between the former members of the genus Gymnocactus and the "true" Turbinicarpus species via the saueri and lophophoroides aggregates.

It is also very likely that this species is one of the parents of the hybrid T. roseiflorus.

This plant is recognizable without problems for the blue-grey body, short dark black spines, areoles with white wool (when young), soon becoming bare and white flowers.




Cultivation: It’s a fairly easy and robust species to cultivate and fast growing.. It needs a very well-drained soil, and requires strong sun to part sun to keep the plant compact and low and to develop a good spinal growth. Waterings should be rather infrequent to keep the plant compact, and avoid its becoming excessively elongated and unnatural in appearance. Furthermore it has a tap root, and watering it properly is often difficult, because it tends to crack open or rot if over-watered. Keep dry in winter, or when night temperatures remain below 10° C.  It is hardy to -4°C for a short period.  Assure a good ventilation.

Reproduction: From seed  or offsets (if available) or (sometime) grafted.


Photo gallery: Alphabetical listing of Cactus and Succulent pictures published in this site.

Photo gallery turbinicarpus

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All the information and photos in cactus art files are now available also in the new the Enciclopedia of Cacti. We hope you find this new site informative and useful.