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Echeveria lauii CACTUS ART

Cultivation and Mail Sale
of Cacti and Succulents.

E. lauii is a very slow growing and highly sought after species with blue-grey-white powdery leaves and peachy-rose flowers, grows to 15cm but may take many years.

Description: It is one of the most attractive of the Echevarias and has a very fine waxy blue-white bloom on all the succulent leaves. It is very symmetrical and pretty whether or not it is in flower.
Flowers: pink-orange.

NOTE: Be very careful as the white bloom is soft and easily damaged by the lightest touch. People are irresistibly attracted by the beautiful leaves and tend to touch the plant… …and it is common to see the culprits fingerprint imprinted on the edge of a leaf.

Cultivation: Water moderately from March to September and allow the plant to dry between waterings, avoid getting the leaves wet they does not welcome overhead waterings!!!. Overwinter in a cool and ventilated environment and keep plants dry, Hardy to -3°C

Need a full sun position but tolerate light shade (Shrivelling up and falling of leaves along with gaps in the leaf spaces may indicate low light levels... this means that it is necessary to increase the amount of light gradually over a few days to a week)

Propagation: Usually by seeds but If the plant is repotted some of the bottom leaves can be removed for attempting leaf propagation, it is also a common practice to collect the leaves on the flower stem, however this is not one of the easiest species to make rooting as many of such a cuttings will dry out without producing a plantlet, but whit perseverance it is likely to get a few new plant.


Photo gallery: Alphabetical listing of Cactus and Succulent pictures published in this site.

Photo gallery ECHEVERIA



Family: Crassulaceae  

Scientific Name: Echeveria  lauii R. Moran & J. Meyran

OriginMexico, Oaxaca



E. lauii is a favourite in collections and one of the more pretty and floriferous plants

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All the information and photos in cactus art files are now available also in the new the Encyclopaedia of Succulents. We hope you find this new site informative and useful.