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Turbinicarpus valdezianus


Cultivation and Mail Sale
of Cacti and Succulents.


Turbinicarpus valdezianus

Description: This is one the smallest and slowest growing Turbinicarpus with tiny feathery spines that obscure the body of the plant, it is usually solitary but sometime form clusters of few branches.
Stem: Young plants are spherical, then cylindrical with a narrower base and short spirally arranged tubercles, the apex is completely covered by the plumose spination. Typically half of it is underground with a big tap root. The plants are about 3-5 cm high and 1-2 cm in diameter.
Spines: Turbinicarpus valdezianus is a pectinate species species, but the the pectinate spines are not in the two neat rows as in T. pseudopectinatus, the ca. 25-30 spines, are dense, feathery and white, about 0.5 mm long, spreading flat around the areoles.
Flowers: One to 5 diurnal, at plant apex, this species is found scattered in small populations in several
locations and the colour of the flowers is variable ranging from pinkish white to bright pink with darker magenta or reddish-brown midveins.
Blooming season: Early bloomer (February - March).


This species grows partially subterranean, the fact that the plant retracts into the soil  between watering, is perfectly natural and doesn’t cause any damage.

T. valdezianus Monclova

T. valdezianus v. albiflorus Matehuala

Turbinicarpus valdezianus Saltillo



Family: Cactaceae (Cactus Family)

Scientific Name: Turbinicarpus valdezianus (Möller) Glass & Foster comb. nov.
Pubblished in: Cactus and Succulent Journal [U.S.] 49(4): 174. 1977.

OriginMexico (Coahuila, San Luis Potosi, Nuevo Leon, Zacatecas)

Conservation status: Listed in CITES appendix I


  • Pelecyphora valdeziana Møller, Deutsche Gärtner-Zeitung, 45: 179, 1930.( Basionym)
  • Echinocactus valdezianus Boed., M.d. DKG, 2:147, 1930.
  • Thelocactus valdezianus Bravo, Las Cactaceas de Mexico, s. 473, 1937.
  • Mammillaria valdeziana Kelsey&Dayton, Stand. Pl. Names, ed. 2, s. 75, 1942
  • Gymnocactus valdezianus Backbg., Das Kakteenlexikon, s. 162, 1966.
  • Normanbokea valdeziana (Moeller) Kladiwa & Buxbaum,in Krainz, Die Kakteen, 1.3., С VIII b, 1969.
  • Pediocactus valdezianus (Moeller) Halda
  • Pelecyphora plumosa Boed.&Ritter, M.d. DKG, 2:116, 1930.
  • Neolloydia valdeziana.

The instantly recognizable feathery short appressed spines (Neoteny)

Cultivation: It’s a fairly easy species to cultivate, but very slow growing. It needs a very well-drained soil, and requires strong sun to part sun where it obtains a flat natural look. Waterings should be rather infrequent to keep the plant compact, and avoid its becoming excessively elongated and unnatural in appearance. Furthermore it has a tap root, and watering it properly is often difficult, because it tends to crack open or rot if over-watered. Keep dry in winter, or when night temperatures remain below 10° C. It is hardy to -4°C for a short period.  Assure a good ventilation.

Reproduction: From seed, since the plant rarely produces plantlets, or grafted.

Photo of conspecific taxa, varieties, forms and cultivars of Turbinicarpus valdezianus:


Photo gallery: Alphabetical listing of Cactus and Succulent pictures published in this site.

Photo gallery turbinicarpus


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