Weingartia neocumingii

Weingartia neocumingii

Weingartia neocumingii

Pianta compatta di aspetto variabile dagli altopiani della Bolivia. I fiori sono abbondanti e precoci. Più cicli di fioritura per stagione garantiscono la presenza dei fiori per un lungo periodo.
€ 2,64
€ 3,00
€ 0,36 (12%)
Promozione valida fino al 12 maggio
€ 2,64


Pianta compatta di aspetto variabile dagli altopiani della Bolivia. I fiori sono abbondanti e precoci. Più cicli di fioritura per stagione garantiscono la presenza dei fiori per un lungo periodo.

Family: Cactaceae (Cactus Family)

Scientific name:  Rebutia neocumingii (Backeb.) D. D.R.Hunt 1987 subsp. neocummingii

Origin:  Distributed throughout t the Bolivian and Peruvian Andes mountains.

Conservation status: Listed in CITES appendix 2.


    • Weingartia neocumingii Backeberg 1950
  • Sulcorebutia neocumingii (Bckbg.) Brandt 1979
  • Gymnocalycium neocumingii (Backeb.) P. Hutchison
Heterotypic synonyms: Sulcorebutia multispina, Weingartia hediniana, Weingartia neocumingii var. hediniana, Weingartia knizei, Weingartia lanata, Rebutia lanata, Weingartia longigibba, Weingartia mairanana, Weingartia sucrensis, Weingartia mataralensis, Sulcorebutia sucrensis, Weingartia miranda, Weingartia multispina, Weingartia neglecta, Sulcorebutia neocorroana, Sulcorebutia platygona, Weingartia platygona, Sulcorebutia pulquinensis, Weingartia pulquinensis, Gymnocalycium pulquinense, Weingartia saetosa, Sulcorebutia hediniana, Weingartia corroana, Sulcorebutia tarabucoensis var. callecallensis, Sulcorebutia neocumingii, Weingartia neocumingii, Weingartia attenuata, Weingartia brachygraphisa, Rebutia corroana, Weingartia callecallensis, Weingartia gracilispina, Sulcorebutia callecallensis, Weingartia chuquichuquinensis, Weingartia flavida, Weingartia buiningiana, Sulcorebutia flavida, Weingartia columnaris, Weingartia erinacea, Sulcorebutia erinacea, Weingartia cumingii, Rebutia cumingii, Gymnocalycium pulquinense var. corroanum, Sulcorebutia neocorroana, Weingartia pulquinensis var. corroanaa,

Note: All the 60 species of genus Weingartia have been transferred to synonymy status under the genus Rebutia; about 45 or so of them as synonyms of two species, R. canigueralii and R. neocumingii. The genus Weingatia was always considered difficult to differentiate from Gymnocalycium, Neowerdermanniana, and Sulcorebutia and its name has had a very eventful history which evidently continues in controversy today.

Echinocactus cumingii Salm-Dyck non Hopffer has been resolved in the  Backeberg's new name Weingartia neocumingii.  

Cultivation: Full sun to light shade, Water regularly in summer but do not overwater. Keep dry or slightly moist in winter at a minimum temperature of 5°C (But Hardy to -4°C or less).
It is better that they are repotted regularly. Repotting will increase size of stems and the number of flowers produced. Repot yearly until reaching about 100 mm in size, then every two or three years will suffice. Repotting is best done at the end of winter but can be done at other times. Do not water for a couple of weeks after repotting to reduce risk of root rot via broken roots.

Propagation: Offsets (seldom available), or seeds

Rebutia (Weingartia) neocumingii
This is a very variable compact  plant from Bolivia and  among the most vigorous and earliest bloomers. Flowers are usually yellow. This species blooms several times in one season.

Description: W. neocumingii is a very variable species as to its spines and subtle differences of tone in its yellow to orange flowers..
Stem: Usually solitary, globose to short cylindrical up to 10 cm wide, 20 cm tall.
Ribs:16 to 18 tuberculate, often spiraling.
Central spines: 2 to 8 up to 2 cm long.
Radial spines: 5 to 24 yellowish with brown tips, about 1 cm long.
Flowers: Approx. 2cm. long, 2.5cm in diameter, they are produced (unusually) all over the body of the plant expecially near the very tips of the stems differing from other rebutias in that its flowers appear very near the meristem as opposed to the lower, stemside and base locations of those others. As well, on this and a few other ex Weingartia species, one areole can produce up to 4 flowers.
 Blooming season: The flowers are produced in early summer and remain open for five or six days.


Photo by: Vadim Arkdzhovskiy (Moscow - Russia)



Cultivation: Full sun to light shade, Water regularly in summer but do not overwater. Keep dry or slightly moist in winter at a minimum temperature of 5°C (But Hardy to -4°C or less).
It is better that they are repotted regularly. Repotting will increase size of stems and the number of flowers produced. Repot yearly until reaching about 100 mm in size, then every two or three years will suffice. Repotting is best done at the end of winter but can be done at other times. Do not water for a couple of weeks after repotting to reduce risk of root rot via broken roots.

Propagation: Offsets (seldom available), or seeds.