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Stapelia flavopurpurea


Cultivation and Mail Sale
of Cacti and Succulents.


Bizarre and lovely combination of colours (Pink form)




The corona (Crown) is a characteristic androecial derived structure found in Asclepiadaceae flowers of variable form, colour and dimension , which is incorporated in the gynostegium (a complex fusion-product of androecium and gynoecium).

The corona typically consists of inner and outer lobes.

Inner corona: Usually the inner corona parts are inclined against the staminal column (a structure formed by the fusion of the stamens).
Outer corona:
Outer corona lobes lie flat in the base of corolla or they are budged away from the column. They can be larger than the inner one or so reduced that they can’t even be found.

The unique and complex structures of corona and gynostegium are extremely elaborated and very dissimilar in different  genera and species  (Eventually variously keeled, horned and/or shaped ) and they are the most important factor for Asclepiadaceae classification.

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Family: Asclepiadaceae (Apocynaceae)  (Milkweeds family)

Scientific Name: Stapelia flavopurpurea

Distribution: From Namibia, Botswana and the Northern Cape of South Africa.

Etymology:  The genus epithet "Stapelia" was named  in honour of Johannes van Stapel, who published drawings and descriptions of the first Stapeliae discovered (Orbea variegata)The species name "flavopurpurea" derives from the Latin words flavus meaning "yellow ”  and purpureus meaning "purple  
(The specific name implies: “Yellow and purple coloured”)
Morphology (Identifying Characteristics)
Crawling and decumbent.
Stem: Long, green that acquire a purple colour when are exposed in full sun.

Flower: Tiny little star shaped,  have very great colour: yellow, green. orange, or purple, white, with maroon overtones and centres. The combination of colours is quite bizarre and lovely, very variable, even on the same plant; they have a light sweet smell like liquorice, unusual in the Stapelia group. Flowers with these scents may well be pollinated by bee.
Phenology: Blossoming generally occurs in summer or autumn, according to the temperatures.

Tiny stellate flowers (Yellow form)

Cultivation: It needs regular watering, especially abundant during the hottest summer day, waterings will begin at the first signs of vegetation and could be stopped in autumn, either excessive and very scarce watering can induce rot. It resists temperatures approaching of 0° C (under good conditions), but it is more cautious to provide it a minimum of  8 to 10°C. It take a great advantaged if grown in very strong light but does not have to be in full sun during the hottest hours. Keep the plant in a ventilated and dry environments. The potting mix must be drained but nutrient. The main problems is to avoid the “black spots” disease and other rots which can in a very short time destroy the plants. If rots starts the plant will almost inevitably die.

Propagation: The multiplication is easy: Take away a fresh stem, let dry the cut surface, then put it out of ground, simply posed on the substrate in semi-shade.

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All the information and photos in cactus art files are now available also in the new the Encyclopaedia of Succulents. We hope you find this new site informative and useful.