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  Echinocereus reichenbachii var. albispinus CACTUS ART

Cultivation and Mail Sale
of Cacti and Succulents.

Echinocereus reichenbachii "albispinus"
An extremely beautiful species valued for its white neat comb-like short friendly (not pokey) spination.


Photo and © copyright by Andrea B. (Bologna, Italy)

Photo and © copyright by Andrea B. (Bologna, Italy)


Photo of conspecific taxa, varieties, forms and cultivars taxa
of plants belonging to the Echinocereus reichenbachii complex (This
Taxon has lots of synonyms whit several controversial varieties and subspecies):



Family: Cactaceae (Cactus Family)

Scientific name:  E. reichenbachii var. albispinus (Lahman) L. D. Benson

Conservation status: Listed in CITES appendix 2.

Common English Names include: White lace hedgehog cactus or simply White lace cactus.

Description: E. reichenbachii var. albispinus is intermediates between E. baileyi and E. reichenbachii subsp. caespitosus. It is a solitary or slowly branching cylindrical shaped cactus with up to 12 branches. It is one of the smaller Echinocereus species.
Stem: Erect, cylindrical or short cylindrical, 7 to 40 cm tall, 2,5 to 10 cm in diameter
Ribs: 10-19 straight or slightly undulate.
Areoles:1-6(-10) mm apart.
Radial spines: 20 to 36 , straight to slightly curved, held closely against the the ribs of the stems, organized in 2 series, pectinately arranged or nearly so, 5 to 8 mm long, pure white eventually whit darker tip.
Central spines: Usually absent)
Flowers: Beautiful, abundant, scented, intense pink flowers, 5 to 7 cm long (5-7 cm). Flower tube 22-40 × 10-30 mm; flower tube hairs 5-15 mm; inner tepals silvery pink to magenta, usually white, crimson, green, or multicoloured proximally, 23-40 × 5-15 mm, tips relatively thin, delicate; anthers yellow; nectar chamber 2-5 mm.
Blooming season: Early May to Late June.
Fruit: Ovoid green, olive green, or dark green, fruit up to 28 mm long; fruiting 1.5-2.5 months after flowering.
Seeds: Black.



Cultivation: It is sensitive to overwatering (rot prone) needs a very good drainage to avoid rotting,  but requires more moisture than true desert cacti to grow and produce flowers, Keep drier and cool in winter. Need full sun. It is very cold resistant  from -10° to -25° C (depending on clones) or less for short periods of time. It is a fine plant for a rock garden or container, contrasts well with agaves, yuccas, and low-growing flowering plants.

Seeds, also can be grown from cutting as it slowly branches  from the base.

Photo gallery: Alphabetical listing of Cactus and Succulent pictures published in this site.

Photo gallery Echinocereus

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All the information and photos in cactus art file are now available also in the new the Enciclopedia of Cacti. We hope you find this new site informative and useful.