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Thelocactus macdowelii (or macdowellii)
(Syn: Echinomastus macdowelii)


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of Cacti and Succulents.


Thelocactus macdowellii

Thelocactus macdowellii CSD192 Arteaga Coah

Photo of conspecific taxa, varieties, forms and cultivars of (Thelocactus conothelos complexcomplex):




Family: Cactaceae (Cactus Family)

Conservation status: Listed in CITES Appendix II

Scientific name:  Thelocactus macdowelii (Rebut ex Quehl) C. Glass, Published in: Cact. Suc. Mex. 14: 4 (1969).

Origin:  Mexico (Nuevo León, Coahuila)

Habitat: Occurring in matorral xerofilo on limestone hills. This plant is quite rare and only known from a few localities in the wild.


  • Echinocactus macdowellii Rebut ex Quehl ('Mc. Dowellii'),
    in: Monatsschr. Kakt.-Kunde 4: 133-134 (1894).
  • Echinomastus macdowellii Br. & R., Cact. 3: 151 (1922)
  • Neolloydia macdowellii H. E. Moore, Badleya 19: 166 (1975)
  • Thelocactus conothelos var. macdowellii Glass & Foster ('mcdowellii'), Cact. Succ. J. (US) 49: 220 (1977)
  • Thelocactus macdowellii (Rebut ex Quehl) W.T. Marshall
  • Thelocactus conothelos ssp. macdowelli var. sniceri Halda & Sladkovsky, Acta Mus. Richnov. Sect. natur. 7: 38 (2000).
Description: Solitary cactus that can in time grow several heads.
Stem: Light green, up to 10 cm tall and 10 cm wide.
Ribs: Indistinct divided in conical tubercles.
Areoles: White
Radial spines: Glassy white acicular, usually between 15 and 25.
Central spines: 2-4 white or light yellow.
Flowers: Funnel-shaped, pink (or magenta) with a yellow centre and about 6 cm wide Not self-fertile.
Blooming season: Usually flowers only once in mid to late winter (or early spring) but sometimes it can do a 2nd round like it happens with all seasonal bloomers once in a while.
Fruit: The Green and shiny. Hairless and spineless.

Thelocactus macdowellii CSD192 Arteaga Coah

It is a summer grower species and does not require any special treatment. Water regularly from Spring to Autumn, but do not overwater. Requires full sun or light shade and careful watering to keep plant compact with strong spines. It will stand as much sun as you can give it, as long as there is good air circulation.
Needs good drainage and very porous potting mix, it can become too elongated if compost is too rich.
It will flower much better if it has a cool resting period during the winter, when little or not water is given. Frost Tolerance: Hardy to -7° C.

Propagation:  From seed (usually) or cuttings.

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Photo gallery Thelocactus

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All the information and photos in cactus art files are now available also in the new the Enciclopedia of Cacti. We hope you find this new site informative and useful.