Echinopsis hybrid

  1. 1
    Echinopsis hybrid cv. ANASTASIA (Schick)
    € 4,99
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    Echinopsis hybrid cv. TEMPTRESS (Schick)
    € 6,50
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    Echinopsis hybrid cv. CANDLELIGHT (Schick)
    € 5,50
    The name 'Candlelight' refers to the mature flower bud that resembles the flame of a candle.
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    Echinopsis hybrid cv. EL CAPITAN
    € 5,50
    EL CAPITAN a multicolored Echinopsis hybrid by Thomas Stöfer (TS 50). The inner petals are gradient from peach to yellow-orange from the outside in. The outer petals have a pink to peach color gradient. The stamens are white.
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    Echinopsis hybrid cv. MADAME PELE (Schick)
    € 5,40
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    Echinopsis hybrid cv. HAKU-JO MARU
    € 5,50
    The woolly areoles on the ribs have a felty line between them so it seems like the areoles are connected with each other.
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    Echinopsis hybrid cv. HOT LIPS (Schick)
    € 7,00
    I fiori sono di color rosso scarlatto con una delicata fragranza di spezie. Questa è una delle più belle ed apprezzate cultivar di Echinopsis ottenute da Bob Schick, famoso collezionista ed ibridatore americano.
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    Echinopsis hybrid cv. CHARLEMAGNE (Schick)
    € 5,50
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    Echinopsis hybrid cv. MONET (Schick)
    € 10,00
    Flower fragrant, up to 12 cm across. Petals ruffled, bicolored pastel magenta to dusky purplish-red and bronzy-orange with light red midrib. Outer petals paler than inners. Throat-circle and stigma white. Filaments light pink to light orangish.
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    Echinopsis hybrid cv. WINTERSET (Schick)
    € 8,50
    Flower to 14 cm across. Petals white with pure white midrib. Outer petals and sepals projecting beyond inners, some outers and all sepals with light grey midstripe. Throat-circle, filaments and stigma white. Stem semicolumnar, to about 8.5 cm in diameter.
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    Echinopsis hybrid cv. STYLE
    € 7,00