EL CAPITAN a multicolored Echinopsis hybrid by Thomas Stöfer (TS 50). The inner petals are gradient from peach to yellow-orange from the outside in. The outer petals have a pink to peach color gradient. The stamens are white.
I fiori sono di color rosso scarlatto con una delicata fragranza di spezie. Questa è una delle più belle ed apprezzate cultivar di Echinopsis ottenute da Bob Schick, famoso collezionista ed ibridatore americano.
Flower fragrant, up to 12 cm across. Petals ruffled, bicolored pastel magenta to dusky purplish-red and bronzy-orange with light red midrib. Outer petals paler than inners. Throat-circle and stigma white. Filaments light pink to light orangish.
Flower to 14 cm across. Petals white with pure white midrib. Outer petals and sepals projecting beyond inners, some outers and all sepals with light grey midstripe. Throat-circle, filaments and stigma white. Stem semicolumnar, to about 8.5 cm in diameter.