Ferocactus emoryi è una delle specie puù belle con superbe spine rosse è uncinate. In habitat può raggiungere la ragguardevole altezza di 2 metri.
Ferobergia is made by crossing Ferocactus and Leuchtenbergia. Back cross means that a Ferobergia has been pollinated back with a Ferocactus. These hybrids look more like Ferocactus, with short tubercles and hooked spines. They are quite variable.
Rara specie spesso cartellinata come F. pottsii var. alamosanus con spine relativamente piccole e diritte per un ferocactus. E difficile trovare grossi esemplari nelle collezioni.
Il F. chrysacanthus "rubrispinus" è una forma coltivata con favolose spine rosse. E' uno dei migliori ferocactus con spine colorate ma di crescita relativamente lenta. Grazie alla densa copertura di spine si adatta bene alla coltivazione in pieno sole.
La varietà 'victoriensis' è meno comune del classico "echidnae" ha fusti più cilindrici e spine centrali più lunghe di 4,5 cm.
Ferocactus macrodiscus a.k.a. "Candy cactus" is a medium sized barrel cactus with a depressed stem and blue-green epidermis. Growth from seed is quite rapid and plants will flower when only a few cm across. Flowers are white with purple striped petals.
Piante molto belle! ll F. "alamosesis" ha poche costole di colore grigio-blu opaco. Le areole sono grandi, rotonde e lanose con poche ma robuste spine di colore dal bianco-crema al bruno chiaro.
Ferocactus santamariae is a massively spined barrel cactus with stout, fierce red spines. The flower yellow or straw-yellow with a pale-red center line on the petals, and pleasant-smelling. It is a close relative of Ferocactus peninsulae.
Ferocactus schwarzii is a solitary barrel cactus with bright gold coloured spines. At a first glance the young specimens looks more like a Echinocactus grusonii than a Ferocactus. As they age the number of spines decreases to 0-2.
Red decorative spines, curved central spines. Colorfull.
Il F. reppenhagenii anche da adulto resta di piccolo diametro ma si allunga molto ed assume una forma colonnare quasi cereoide.
Questa è una delle specie di Ferococtus più spettacolari . Fornita di di fantastiche spine rosso corallo e di contrastanti lunghe setole bianche nelle areole.
F. viridescens subs. littoralis is a solitary barrel cactus wider than tall. The spines are dense, pink or yellowish, becoming duller by age or turning yellow or horn-colored. The flowers are greenish yellow or golden-yellow with brownish midstripes.
Bright orange red spines. Beautiful.
Ferobergia is a horticultural intergeneric hybrid, made by crossing of a Ferocactus as a female and a Leuchtenbergia principis as a male. These hybrids are very variable, due to the intersection of characters deriving from the parents.
F. histrix è originaria del Messico dove la pianta cresce su foreste di querce e macchia submontana; la pianta può diffondersi fino a 2600 m di altitudine.
Rare form with light creamy white spines instead of red. The color of the new spines can tend to red but then the spines lighten as they mature.
Plants obtained from seeds, variable in characteristics. The young specimens have numerous spines, but over time the spines become more sparse and shorter. Some specimens become very strange.
Ferocactus glaucescens is a medium sized, barrel cactus with greysh-blue stems. Multiple heads are produced as the plant ages and can form a very large mound. The spines are rather neatly distributed, and the unusual-looking white fruits are unmistakable.
Ferocactus chrysacanthus is a somewhat slow-growing species with beautiful golden spines and small stature. It is a great collector's plant.
Ferocactus peninsulae is a large ribbed barrel cactus with an erect stem becoming cylindric in age and attaining a height of 2,5 metres, which is unusual for the genus. Spines and flowers are very similar to those of Ferocactus wislizeni.
Beautiful Ferocactus acanthodes with variegated bodies. Each different with a different percentage of variegation and color. All interesting.