
  1. 1
    Coryphantha elephantidens forma prolifera
    € 3,89
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    Coryphantha macromeris (Lepidocoryphantha macromeris) DJF1353 El Paso, Tx. USA
    € 3,96
    Cactus rustico che resiste fino a - 10° C (se asciuto). Ha lunghe spine scure e ramifica abbondantemente fino a formare con il tempo colonie di un metro in diametro.
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    Coryphantha runyonii SB855 - Jim Hogg County, Texas, USA
    € 3,00
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    Cumarinia odorata (Neolloydia odorata)
    € 3,89
    Cumarinia odorata was described as Coryphantha odorata by Bödeker in 1930, transferred into the genus Neobessaya by Werdermann and thence to the new genus Cumarinia by Knuth which, in turn, was reduced to a sub-genus of Neolloydia by Backeberg in 1942.
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    Coryphantha delaetiana SB339 Saltillo area, Coahuila, Mexico
    € 3,60
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    Coryphantha palmeri
    € 3,89
    Coryphantha palmeri is a globose cactus with usually one stout hooked central spine. It is one of those Coryphanthas which pass a purely radial-spined long youth stage. After several years they develop the central spines. It is extremely variable.
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    Coryphantha maiz-tablasensis
    € 4,50
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    Coryphantha runyonii DJF1035.45  Starr Co, Texas.
    € 3,15
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    Coryphantha compacta
    € 3,60
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    Coryphantha pulleineana SB33 Huizache
    € 4,50
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    Coryphantha magentae Sierra de Paila, Coahuila, Mexico
    € 4,50
    Coryphantha magentae is similar to Coryphantha echinus, with the exception of magenta (Hence the name) flowers and slightly different skin and spination colour. Flowers colour is ranging from pink to rich magenta-red.
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    Coryphantha hendricksonii SB1016 Escalon, Chiuhaua, Mexico
    € 3,89
    Fingerlike body covered in short white spines, huge tuber. Nice pink flowers in ring near top.
  13. 13
    Coryphantha sp. (mixed forms)
    € 3,00
    Mixed Coryphantha species grown from seed. Very nice selection.
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    Coryphantha sp. forma monstruosa
    € 9,90
    Irregular growth with both bare areoles and spiny areoles in alternating bands.
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    Coryphantha runyonii "COMPACT" (forma mostruosa brevispina)
    € 7,00
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    Coryphantha greenwoodii (Coryphantha elephantidens ssp. greenwoodii)
    € 4,95
    Coryphantha elephantidens subsp. greenwoodii is a solitary or group-forming, flat-globose cactus, mostly growing under the ground-level. It is intermediate between Coriphantha elepantidens and Coriphantha pycnacantha.
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    Coryphantha pycnantha L1229 North of the city of Oaxaca, Oaxaca, Mexico, 1700m
    € 3,60
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    Coryphantha scolymoides (Syn: Coryphantha cornifera v. scolymoides)
    € 4,50
    Coryphantha scolymoides has pale green stems, with tubercles ascending like tiles, spines numerous, radials ones flesh-coloured with a single central spine recurved, black, grey at the base. Flowers large, yellow with read throat.
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    Coryphantha pallida SB550 Alsaseca, Puebla, Mexico
    € 3,89
    Round dark green body, whitish radial spines, darker hooked central spine, large yellow flower. In culture Coryphantha pallida is without problems and regularly shows its large pale yellow flowers.
  20. 20
    Coryphantha impexicoma
    € 3,89
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    Coryphantha palmeri f. mostruosa
    € 12,00
    The body of the plant has growth bands with long thorns alternating with bands with very short thorns. Over time, the plant becomes more and more bizarre and out of the ordinary.
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    Coryphantha cornifera MS Guacleira
    € 3,89
  23. 23
    Coryphantha echinus Cuatro Cienegas, Coahuila, Mexico
    € 7,50
    Compact, with dense interlacing spines covering the stem. Beautiful and distinctive form. A gem!
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    Coryphantha andreae
    € 4,80
  25. 25
    Coryphantha cv. MINI
    € 4,15
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    Coryphantha delaetiana GM503 Cuatrocienega El Retiro, 920 m, Coahuila, Mexico
    € 4,00
    Globulaar with long fat tubercles, spines white-yellow, longer thick black central spine, large yellowi flower.