
  1. 1
    Turbinicarpus graminispinus North of Dr. Arroyo, Nuevo Leon, Mexico
    € 7,00
    Long, flexible, grass-like spines. Often in winter the body of the plant takes on a very characteristic purple hue.
  2. 2
    Turbinicarpus pseudopectinatus (Pelecyphora pseudopectinata)
    € 9,90
    € 8,71
    € 1,19 (12%)
    Turbinicarpus pseudopectinatus is an extraordinary cactus with many small spirally-arranged tubercles tipped with tiny white spines in a comb like formation. Flowers are pinkish white to bright pink with darker magenta or reddish-brown mid-veins.
  3. 3
    Turbinicarpus gracilis f. longispinum
    € 12,00
    Turbinicarpus gracilis is a miniature cactus. F. longispinum has thin, papyraceous spines noticeably longer than those of the type species, 1 mm wide and 30-40 mm long, brownish red or grey, erect but flexible. VERY RARE. Few available.
  4. 4
    Turbinicarpus subterraneus v. zaragosae (Rapicactus, Gymnocatus) SB1437 Zaragoza, Nuevo Leon, Mexico.
    € 7,00
    Long slender body, white radial spines, black central spines, creamy-yellow to deep pink flower.
  5. 5
    Turbinicarpus mombergeri
    € 14,85
    Turbinicarpus mombergeri is a naturally occurring hybrid between T. pseudopectinatus and T. laui. This plant pass a pectinate-plumose spine stage in which they are already floriferous. Most of the plants in time develop longer spines. It is quite variable
  6. 6
    Gymnocactus viereckii v. neglectus L1159 Sierra Salamanca 1000-1300m, Tamaulipas, Mexico (syn: Turbinicarpus viereckii)
    € 3,89
    Short black spines.
  7. 7
    Turbinicarpus horripilus monstruoso
    € 8,50
  8. 8
    Turbinicarpus flaviflorus Santa Rita
    € 7,50
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    Turbinicarpus klinkerianus
    € 7,00
  10. 10
    Turbinicarpus alonsoi Xichu, Guanajuato, Mexico.
    € 5,40
    Turbinicarpus alonsoi is a small cactus with a large tap-root, and only the apical part of the stem exposed at soil level. The spines are flattened, cardboard-like, grey with dark tip, irregularly bent inwards, frequently weathered, not piercing.
  11. 11
    Turbinicarpus swobodae HO16 Rayones, Nuevo Leon, Mexico
    € 5,80
  12. 12
    Turbinicarpus pseudomacrochele v. albiflorus MZ424 Cadereyta, Queretaro, Mexico
    € 6,50
    Pretty curly spines, white flowers.
  13. 13
    Turbinicarpus valdezianus (Pelecyphora valdeziana)
    € 5,40
    € 4,75
    € 0,65 (12%)
    One of the smallest Turbinicarpus with tiny feathery spines that obscure the body of the plant, it is usually solitary but sometime forms clusters of few branches. Flowers is ranging from pinkish-white to bright pink with darker magenta midveins.
  14. 14
    Turbinicarpus valdezianus v. albiflorus (Pelecyphora valdeziana albiflora)
    € 6,30
    € 5,55
    € 0,75 (12%)
    Turbinicarpus valdezianus v. albiflorus is is one the smallest cactus with tiny feathery spines that obscure the body of the plant. This is the population from Matehuala characterized by white flowers, yellow stamen and white stigma.
  15. 15
    Turbinicarpus schmiedickeanus ssp. dickisoniae RS321/A Aramberi to Lampacitos, Nuevo Leon, Mexico
    € 9,00
    Turbinicarpus schmiedickeanus ssp. dickisoniae is similar to Turbinicarpus schmiedickeanus ssp. gracilis the closest variety. Radials spines 18-24 white 2mm long on young areoles (areole in old specimens have only central spines).
  16. 16
    Turbinicarpus alonsoi PP859 Xichu, Guanajuato, Mexico.
    € 7,00
    Turbinicarpus alonsoi is a small cactus with a large tap-root, and only the apical part of the stem exposed at soil level. The spines are flattened, cardboard-like, grey with dark tip, irregularly bent inwards, frequently weathered, not piercing.
  17. 17
    Turbinicarpus bonatzii
    € 12,00
    Stem dark green-bluish, semi-globose, depressed, divided into tubercles, merging in a tuberous root 3-5 cm long. The flowers are light cream to slightly pinkish, with reddish throat. They bloom very early in winter (January-February in Europe)
  18. 18
    Turbinicarpus schmiedickeanus ssp. sandiensis
    € 7,00
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    Turbinicarpus sp. (mixed forms)
    € 3,50
    Turbinicarpus mix, various forms in assortment. Variable and beautiful specimens.
  20. 20
    Turbinicarpus graminispinus VM817 Noriega San Jose del Llano, Nuevo Leon, Mexico
    € 7,50
  21. 21
    Turbinicarpus pseudomacrochele v. lausseri MH490 Mesa de Leon, Queretaro, Mexico (T. krainzianus v. lausseri)
    € 7,00
    Small cylindrical plants with tiny combed spines. Over time, long central spines will be produced. Pink flower already in young specimens of 1.5-2 cm. Very beautiful plants!
  22. 22
    Turbinicarpus schmiedickeanus ssp. sanchez-mejoradae (retusus) VM721 Lazaro Cardenas, Nuevo Leon,  Mexico.
    € 7,00
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    Turbinicarpus sp. El Huizache, San Luis Potosi, Mexico
    € 7,50
    Cream colored flowers.
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    Turbinicarpus schmiedickeanus f. inermis (GRAFTED)
    € 25,00
    Grafted. Selected cultivar with conic tubercles, smooth and without spines. Very particular and rare.
  25. 25
    Turbinicarpus graminispinus GCG12654b San Jose del Llano, Tamaulipas, Mexico
    € 7,50
  26. 26
    Gymnocactus mandragora f. cristata Tangue Menchaca, Coahuila, Mexico
    € 16,50
    This is the crested form of G. mandragora. Very few available, a real collector's item. GRAFTED. Syn: Turbinicarpus mandragora f. cristata.
  27. 27
    Turbinicarpus jauernigii
    € 7,00
    Turbinicarpus jauernigii is a tiny cactus with a grey-green to purple, flatted globular stem merging into a strong tuberous root. The flowers are pale pinkish-tan with a brown midstripe. This species flowers in autumn/winter rather than the spring.