Forma minuscoli corpi rosso porpora scurissimo ricoperti da contrastanti areole lanose bianche. Sembra una Mammilaria luethyi e produce graziosi gruppi con il tempo.
Pianta con corpo parzialmente sotterraneo che si origina da una grossa radice napiforme. Il fusto di colore bronzato normalmente ramifica dalla base. Pianta dalle fioriture generose e ripetute durante tutta la buona stagione.
It is the smallest of the Copiapoa which begins to flower when it is only 1-2 cm in diameter. Slowly over time it forms many small heads. Stem soft brown whit minute spines, yellow flower and large tuberous root.
Copiapoa maritima comes from a habitat with an extremely arid climate, they are remarkably tolerant of pot culture. These plants have thick taproots and are susceptible to overwatering.
Mixed copiapoa species grown from seed. Many of them collected in habitat. Selection of 4-5 years old seedlings without labels. Very nice selection. In pot diameter 5,5 cm.