
  1. 1
    Eriosyce hankeana
    € 6,30
    Eriosyce taltalensis is spiny geophytic cactus with stems rising barely above ground level. The stem is globose or semi-globular dull dark green, in the sun often tinged with purple. The roots are fibrous, arising from a short, conical taproot.
  2. 2
    Eriosyce nidus v. multicolor (spines white to black very variable)
    € 5,40
  3. 3
    Eriosyce occulta (Neoporteria)
    € 4,50
    Pianta affascinate con corpo appiattito di colore grigio-violaceo generalmete con poche spine, ma alquanto variabile.
  4. 4
    Eriosyce odieri (Thelocephala odieri)
    € 7,50
  5. 5
    Eriosyce napina v. aerocarpa
    € 6,30
    Piccolo cactus geofita con corpo porpora scuro e piccole spine pettinate arancioni. I fiori sono prodotti dalle areole più giovani nell'apice della pianta. I fiori ocra-arancioni hanno una bellissima lucentezza come di seta.
  6. 6
    Eriosyce subgibbosa
    € 5,80
    Eriosyce subgibbosa is a very variable species. Two-tone flower with magenta-purple petal tips and greenish-white throat, which give the sensation of being fluorescent. Spines from creamy yellow to dark gray-brown, different from plant to plant.
  7. 7
    Eriosyce chilensis (Neoporteria)
    € 7,50
    Eriosyce chilensis is a beautiful cactus with pale green stems cowered with dense whitish-yellow to brownish spines. The flowers are produced in summer, closely packed apically, they are flattish fuchsia red often with white centres.
  8. 8
    Eriosyce napina fa.
    € 5,50
  9. 9
    Eriosyce nidus v. gerocephala
    € 4,80
  10. 10
    Eriosyce gerocephala v. aurea (Neoporteria)
    € 13,50
    Yellow to honey-yellow spines.
  11. 11
    Eriosyce napina v. durispina (syn: Neoporteria napina v. durispina)
    € 7,50
  12. 12
    Eriosyce occulta v. glabra (Neoporteria)
    € 5,40
  13. 13
    Eriosyce islayensis v. krainziana
    € 7,00
    The Krainziana variety is distinguished from other populations of Eriosyce islayensis by its somewhat columnar, more robust stems, which can reach 75 cm in height, and this size is rare in the Islaya genus. Areoles very woolly with dark spreading spines.
  14. 14
    Eriosyce esmeraldana forma prolifera (montruosa)
    € 18,00
    Forma prolifera, molto rara. Ramifica abbondantemente dalla base e forma dense colonie.
  15. 15
    Eriosyce odieri fa. (Thelocephala odieri)
    € 5,28
  16. 16
    Eriosyce pulchella FK771 N Caldera, (km 915), Balnerio Obispito, Copiapo, Chile, Altitude 15m (Pyrrhocactus pulchellus)
    € 7,00
  17. 17
    Eriosyce taltalensis (Neoporteria taltalensis)
    € 6,90
    Eriosyce taltalensis is spiny geophytic cactus with stems rising barely above ground level. The stem is globose or semi-globular dull dark green, in the sun often tinged with purple. The roots are fibrous, arising from a short, conical taproot.
  18. 18
    Eriosyce paucicostata (Neoporteria paucicostata)
    € 8,90
  19. 19
    Eriosyce chilensis v. albiflora (Neoporteria)
    € 7,50
    Eriosyce chilensis v. albiflora is a beautiful cactus with pale green stems cowered with dense whitish-yellow to brownish spines. The flowers are produced in summer, closely packed apically from young areoles, they are flattish, usually creamy white.
  20. 20
    Eriosyce gerocephala (Neoporteria gerocephalal)
    € 4,50
  21. 21
    Eriosyce odieri Carrizal, 03 Atacama, Chile (Thelocephala odieri)
    € 5,40
  22. 22
    Eriosyce occulta CH1520 Breas. Agua Verde, 02 Antofagasta, Chile (Neoporteria)
    € 7,50
    It grows in habitat together with Copiapoa cinerea.
  23. 23
    Eriosyce heinrichiana
    € 5,40
    Grey-brown body, greyish-black spines.
  24. 24
    Erisyce litoralis IDD1869 Los Vilos, 04 Coquimbo, Chile (Neoporteria litoralis)
    € 4,80
    Very spiny whith many needlelike to hairlike per areole. It grows in the rocks.