
  1. 1
    Sulcorebutia augustinii HS152 Huanakuni Chico, Cochabamba, Bolivia
    € 3,89
    Bellissima specie in miniatura, con abbondanti fiori rosa carico. Molto grazziosa comunque anche quando non in fioritura.
  2. 2
    Sulcorebutia rauschii "Yellow spines"
    € 4,00
    Cultivar particolarissima e diffente da tutte le altre con corpo viola e spine pettinate gialle. Splendida pianta.
  3. 3
    Sulcorebutia rauschii HS121/1 - Cerro Flor de Aikampa, Zudañez, Chuquisaca, Bolivia 2700m , pot 6x6 cm
    € 3,89
  4. 4
    Sulcorebutia rauschii WR 289 cv. "violacidermis" Chuquisaca Sucre, Bolivia.
    € 3,15
    Bellissima forma selezionata con epidermide viola scuro. Pianta unica e inconfondibile. Esemplari in vasetto quadrato del 6x6 cm, SU RADICI PROPRIE.
  5. 5
    Sulcorebutia arenacea
    € 3,89
    Sulcorebutia arenacea, is a choice solitary, user-friendly cactus, with perfectly neat, symmetrical spination and profuse yellowish-orange flowers (or rarely magenta). The spines are pectinate and held so tightly that give a sandy effect.
  6. 6
    Sulcorebutia canigueralli KP13 Road Sucre to Tarabuco alt. 3153 m, Yamparaez County, dpt. Chuquisaca, Bolivia.
    € 5,40
    Two-tone flowers. Nice.
  7. 7
    Sulcorebutia pasopayana EM356 Rd. Presto - Pasopaya, 3200 m
    € 4,50
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    Sulcorebutia tiraquensis v. bicolorispina
    € 3,89
    Sulcorebutia tiraquensis v. bicolorispina is a small cactus which stem is almost completely concealed by fine bi-coloured spines (silvery white and mahogany coloured). Bright pink to purple flowers, appears numerous in a ring at the base of the plant.
  9. 9
    Sulcorebutia canigueralli v. applanata WK217A Bolívia, Chuquisaca, Sucre, Rio Chico, 2800m, Cement Factory.
    € 5,40
    Flowers red with yellow throat to purple.
  10. 10
    Sulcorebutia breviflora (various clones)
    € 3,00
    Sulcorebutia breviflora is a very free flowering most attractive cactus. It distinguish for the very numerous yellow blooms. It clusters heavily in cultivation producing a nice patch over time.
  11. 11
    Sulcorebutia albida
    € 3,60
  12. 12
    Sulcorebutia patriciae
    € 4,50
  13. 13
    Sulcorebutia mairanana
    € 34,50
    Sulcorebutia mairanana is a nomen nudum (undescribed name) used in Karel Kníže catalogue (field number KK1811) to indicate a plant from Mairana in Bolivia. This controversial plant probably correspond to Sulcorebutia albissima (a form of Rebutia mentosa).
  14. 14
    Sulcorebutia menesesii v.kamiensis
    € 3,89
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    Sulcorebutia sp. (mixed forms)
    € 2,50
    Sulcorebutia mix, various forms in assortment. Variable and beautiful specimens.
  16. 16
    Sulcorebutia pulchra L387, Bolivia, Chuquisaca (between Presto and Pasopaya), Zudanez 2700-2800m
    € 5,40
    Red to purple flowere with often a paler center.
  17. 17
    Sulcorebutia pulchra
    € 4,50
  18. 18
    Sulcorebutia santiaginiensis
    € 4,90
    The flowers cluster around the lower part of the stem, they are purple to purplish red or dark red and clover-shented. The spines are short comb-like, spreading out and bent towards the body.
  19. 19
    Sulcorebutia albissima LH1104 Aiquile to  Mizque, Cochabamba, Bolivia
    € 3,60
  20. 20
    Sulcorebutia purpurea v. horacekii D04, Laguna Molinero, Cochabamba, Bolivia
    € 5,40
    Elegant plant with bright carmine red flowers.
  21. 21
    Sulcorebutia pedroensis LH1118 Chimuri, Sucre, Bolivia
    € 5,40
  22. 22
    Sulcorebutia gemmae LH1125 Hac. El Rodeo VZ. Zudanez, Bolivia
    € 7,50
    Miniature cactus with pectinate spines. Flower purple or yellow.