Sulcorebutia arenacea, is a choice solitary, user-friendly cactus, with perfectly neat, symmetrical spination and profuse yellowish-orange (or rarely magenta) flowers. The spines are pectinate and held so tightly that give a sandy effect.
Sulcorebutia tiraquensis v. bicolorispina is a small cactus which stem is almost completely concealed by fine bi-coloured spines (silvery white and mahogany coloured). Bright pink to purple flowers, appears numerous in a ring at the base of the plant.
Sulcorebutia breviflora is a very free flowering most attractive cactus. It distinguish for the very numerous yellow blooms. It clusters heavily in cultivation producing a nice patch over time.
Sulcorebutia mairanana is a nomen nudum (undescribed name) used in Karel Kníže catalogue (field number KK1811) to indicate a plant from Mairana in Bolivia. This controversial plant probably correspond to Sulcorebutia albissima (a form of Rebutia mentosa).
The flowers cluster around the lower part of the stem, they are purple to purplish red or dark red and clover-shented. The spines are short comb-like, spreading out and bent towards the body.