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    Matucana madisoniorum
    Matucana madisoniorum , sometimes found listed as Submatucana, is an attractive small globular plant with ribs resembling Lophophora, the ones that lack spines look so much like peyote that the uninformed may think they actually are.
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    Matucana polzii
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    Matucana pallarensis
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    Matucana  paucicostata
    Matucana paucicostata is a ribbed globular cactus often branching basally to form small clusters. It is one of the smallest Matucana species. Flowers are very showy, purplish to carmine red, funnel shaped, slightly curved (zygomorphic).
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    Matucana sp. (Mixed forms)
    Mixed copiapoa species grown from seed. Selection of 4-5 yers old seedlings without labels. Very nice selection.
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    Matucana krahnii f. variegata
    Globular and basally clumping, with ribs that form into conical to rounded tubercles, grey-green with yellow variegation. Highly variable, each seedling is unique.