
  1. 1
    Astrophytum asterias "Star type"
    The main particularity of this cultivar are the tip of the rib that are seated within the plants body, while the suture line between the ribs is turned outward. This unusual feature give this plant it unique starry-looking.
  2. 2
    Echinopsis hybrid cv. ANASTASIA (Schick)
  3. 3
    Akersia hybrid cv. cv. OTTO SCHULTZ
    ''OTTO SCHULTZ'' is an hybrid between Akersia roseiflora and an Echinopsis. The flowers are a lovely lilac pink. The brilliant flowers don't close at night, and they last about 2-4 days. They come in flushes in late spring to summer.
  4. 4
    Mammillaria bombycina cv. SPLIT SPINES
    This very rare cultivar has unique "Split spines". This is an exclusive feature never seen in other cacti. It is an easy bloomer and one of the easier species to grow, it is the most beautiful when cultivated in the full sun.
  5. 5
    Mammillaria sancez-mejorade (SEED GROWN)
    OWN ROOTS!!! A tiny white-spined beauty . It remains small, max 2-3 cm, diameter 3 cm or less when fully grown (but can grow more and cluster in cultivation). Impressive and not very common in collections.
  6. 6
    Ferocactus emoryi
    You Save:
    €0.36 (12%)
    Ferocactus emoryi is a nice looking tall barrel cactus with colourful spines. It can grows up to 2 m tall. Spines are reddish, all robust, cross-ribbed, and rigid, more than 1 mm diameter. 1 hooked centras and 5-9 radials similar to central not hooked.
  7. 7
    Echinocereus davisii SB426 Brewster County, Texas, USA (white & black spines)
    You Save:
    €0.65 (12%)
    This is the tiniest Echinocereus species (only 1 to 2 cm wide!) plants are extremely diminutive and mostly subterranean (geophytes), usually do not offset. Blooms very early in March. The flowers are greenish and diffuse a pleasant lemony scent.
  8. 8
    Echinopsis hybrid cv. TEMPTRESS (Schick)
  9. 9
    Lobivia cv. STERN VON LORSH
    (Own roots, not grafted)
  10. 10
    Pterocactus kuntzei
    Plant with caudex.
  11. 11
    Mammillaria sp. forma cristata
    # # # SPECIAL PLANT # # # (Selected specimen) Lenght 15 cm. H 9cm.
  12. 12
    Echinopsis hybrid cv. CANDLELIGHT (Schick)
    The name 'Candlelight' refers to the mature flower bud that resembles the flame of a candle.
  13. 13
    Obregonia denegrii
    Obregonia is among the most famous of all cacti for is unique artichoke-shaped stem. It grows as a solitary plant levelled with the ground, with the sunk and woolly apex. It is considered an intermediate form between Ariocarpus and Lophophora.
  14. 14
    Astrophytum coahuilense "tricostatum"
    Very very rare. A true Coahuilense with three ribs!!!
  15. 15
    Hildewintera colademononis
    Long hairs on stem, super flowers.
  16. 16
    Trichopsis (Trichocereus x Echinopsis hybrid) cv. DIONE
  17. 17
    Cintia knizei (Rooted cuttings)
    Rootted cuttings. Stem globose less than 5 cm in diameter, covered with large rounded tubercles. The colour can vary from olive-green to purple to brown with a woolly apex. The base becomes corky with age.
  18. 18
    Mammillaria bombycina
    Mammillaria bombycina is a beautiful species that will produce clumps, as a washing up bowl. It has glassy white radial spines with hooked reddish-brown centrals. It produce several complete circles of contrasting light carmine flowers every year.
  19. 19
    Astrophytum ornatum cv. HANYA GREEN (HAKU-JO)
    The woolly areoles on the ribs have a felty line between them so it seems like the areoles are connected with each other. Epidermis green.
  20. 20
    Copiapoa tenuissima forma mostruosa (clone A)
    It forms many tiny dark purplish bodies covered in contrasting white woolly areole. It looks like Mammillaria luethyi and produces a nice patch over time.
  21. 21
    Pygmaecereus bieblii
    Pygmaeocereus bieblii is a fascinating little, geophytic cactus with short thick spines. It usually grows solitary but occasionally forms small clusters or even large mats flat to the ground. It is really a particular cactus with very peculiar spines.
  22. 22
    Chamaecereus hybrid (Chamaelobivia) cv. LINCOLN GEM
    Chamaelobivia ’Lincoln Gem’ is a nice hybrid that bears bright, beautiful and rare golden/orange blooms. It is a fast-growing flowering cactus variety that produces clumps of columnar stems.
  23. 23
    Echinopsis hybrid cv. GOLD ROSE
  24. 24
    Copiapoa hypogea cv. LIZARD SKIN
    A captivating and admired form, featuring a more or less wrinkled skin reminiscent of a lizard's. Truly unique and impossible to mistake.
  25. 25
    Gymnocalycium calochlorum v. proliferum Villa Carlos Paz, Cordoba, Argentina
    You Save:
    €0.54 (12%)
    G. calochlorum v. proliferum is a clustering cactus forming low, flat-topped clusters of many stems that grow level to soil. The spines are wispy and creamy white to brown. The light pink flower is trumpet shaped with curved petals and open completely.
  26. 26
    Chamaecereus hybrid (Chamaelobivia) cv. INCA SUNSET
  27. 27
    Turbinicarpus graminispinus North of Dr. Arroyo, Nuevo Leon, Mexico
    Long, flexible, grass-like spines. Often in winter the body of the plant takes on a very characteristic purple hue.
  28. 28
    Vatricania guentheri (syn: Espostoa guentheri)
    You Save:
    €0.65 (12%)
    Vatricania guentheri is a shrubby columnar cactus featuring attractive golden-spined stems with varying densities of fox-red lateral cephalia. Any devoted cactophile would be thrilled to see Espostoa guentheri in its natural habitat.
  29. 29
    Echinopsis hybrid cv. DEL RUE
  30. 30
    Echinopsis hybrid cv. EL CAPITAN
    EL CAPITAN a multicolored Echinopsis hybrid by Thomas Stöfer (TS 50). The inner petals are gradient from peach to yellow-orange from the outside in. The outer petals have a pink to peach color gradient. The stamens are white.
  31. 31
    Echinopsis hybrid cv. GOLDFISH
    Well rooted specimens grown in 6cm x 6cm pots.
  32. 32
    Notocactus calvescens dark form (8-10cm)
    Notocactus calvescens (Wigginsia calvescens) has minute spines in the juvenile phase, but gradually loses its spines and eventually is completely naked. Old individuals are completely naked and reach 20 cm diameter.
  33. 33
    Chamaecereus hybrid (Chamaelobivia) cv. LINCOLN SUNKISSED
    A beautiful bloomer, Chamaecereus hybrid (Chamaelobivia) cv. LINCOLN SUNKISSED, features gorgeous yellow petals tipped deep orange from spring to summer.
  34. 34
    Lobivia cv. ROSSO GOLA BIANCA (ex China mdnd9990)
  35. 35
    Mammillaria herrerae
    Mammillaria herrerae is small cactus that look like a little golf ball with dense addpressed, white spines. The flowers are quite large for a Mammillaria, pale pink to red-violet and very showy.
  36. 36
    Hildewintera hybrid cv. GOLDSCHUPPE
  37. 37
    Gymnocalycium vatteri v. unguispinum  (inermis) pale spine form.
    You Save:
    €1.44 (12%)
  38. 38
    Trichopsis (Trichocereus x Echinopsis hybrid) cv. SUPER APRICOT RED
    Flowers 12-13 cm Ø with very toothed apricot yellow inner petals tipped dark orange. The next row of petals is apricot with a red-purple center stripe. Red-violet outer petals. Hybridized by Anton Maas.
  39. 39
    Discocactus horstii (seedling) 1,5-2 cm or larger
    Discocactus horstii is a small solitary cactus with a blackish discoid body typical of this flat and globular genus. The cephalium is covered by the flowers that come out of it. These cacti possess an exotic appearance shared by no other cactus.
  40. 40
    Gymnocalycium friedrichii v. angustostriatum LB2178 Aqua Dulce Alto Paraguay-Chaco, Paraguay
    You Save:
    €1.08 (12%)
  41. 41
    Notocactus calvescens (Wigginsia calvescens) STU15 Barra do Quarai, Rio Grande do Sul, Brazil
    Juvenile specimens initially have short spines, but as the plants grow, they form completely thornless areoles. Adult specimens are completely nude and particularly beautiful. RARE!!!
  42. 42
    Mammillaria breviplumosa GCG12500 Mapimi, Durango, Mexico (SEEDLING 0.8-1.2  cm)
    Two years old seedling, not grafted. Mammillaria breviplumosa is a new very rare species with small feather-like spines arranged helicoidaly on the stem. Flower white with magenta striped petals.
  43. 43
    Aztekium ritteri 1,1-1,3 cm
    Flowering size. 7-8 years old. 1,1-1,3 (or more) cm wide.
  44. 44
    Trichopsis (Trichocereus x Echinopsis hybrid) cv. SOLVEIG
    Flower 16 cm (Pisac x Orange California)
  45. 45
    Thelocactus sp. (mixed forms)
    Mixed Thelocactus species grown from seed. Very nice selection.
  46. 46
    Mammillaria bertholdii (SEEDLING 1-1,5 cm)
    Seed grown approx. 1-1,5 cm. VERY RARE.
  47. 47
    Mammillaria theresae v. minima GCG12504 San Francisco Javier de Lajas, Durango, Mexico (NEW)
    Dwarf form, with huge violet-pink flowers. Beautiful.
  48. 48
    Astrophytum hybrid ONZ-OR (A. myriostigma cv. ONZUKA x A. ornatum)
    Interesting hybrid that combines the forms of A. ornatum with unique onzuka designs pattern. Very nice.
  49. 49
    Gymnocalycium platygonum R224A La Rioja, Argentina
    You Save:
    €0.58 (12%)
    Dark olive-brown stem, very flat, growing at ground level. Short spines pressed against the body. Beautiful plant but very slow growing.
  50. 50
    Astrophytum asterias cv. SUPERKABUTO "5 RIBS " Ex Thailand
    Special form with only 5 ribs. Selected specimens. Each one different.
  51. 51
    Echinofossulocactus forma inermis (grafted)
    You Save:
    €2.27 (12%)
  52. 52
    Pelecyphora aselliformis f. cristata (grafted)
    Pelecyphora aselliformis (commonly known as the "Hatchet Cactus") is among the most famous of all cacti for is unique shaped stem.The f. cristata deviate from the standard species for the stem which is fan shaped up to 10 cm (or more) long with age.
  53. 53
    Discocactus horstii (seedling) 3,5-4 cm
    7 year old plants of 3.5-4 cm in diameter. Very few available. Beautiful.
  54. 54
    Discocactus bahiensis v. gracilis MH637, San Rafael, Bahia, Brasil
  55. 55
    Astrophytum caput-medusae x myriostigma f. variegata GRAFTED (Digitostigma x myriostigma variegata)
    Fat yellow and green tubercles, strong and robust growth. Grafted plants, very beautiful.
  56. 56
    Encephalocarpus strobiliformis west of Dr. Arroyo Nuevo Leon, Mexico (GRAFTED)
    You Save:
    €1.62 (12%)
    Encephalocarpus strobiliformis is a very slow growing, choice Mexican species, commonly called the ''Pinecone Cactus'' for its resemblance to a pine cone. It is often grafted to accelerate and facilitate growth.
  57. 57
    Rebutia gonjianii Syn.: Cylindrorebutia gonjianii
  58. 58
    Leuchtenbergia principis (MG594.3) El Carmen
    L. principis is one of the most distinctive, and fascinating cacti with long glaucous-green tubercles, tipped by equally long papery spines, it is unlike anything else. It is slow-growing and has a tuberous root.
  59. 59
    Puna subterranea Incahuasi
    The form "incahuasii", with greener and thinner stems, branches profusely and forms large clumps with more than 100 heads. The flowers are a deep purple and very showy.
  60. 60
    Escobaria missouriensis var. navajoensis  RP33 Navajo County, Arizona,
    You Save:
    €0.65 (12%)
    Escobaria missouriensis ssp.navajoensis (Neobesseya) is an interesting type of Escobaria missouriensis but tiny. The stem is flattened only a 1-3 cm broad, so it's a very small species. The flower is yellow, small (2-3 cm). The spines are very short.
  61. 61
    Maihuenia poeppigii Patagonia, Argentina.
    Maihuenia poeppigii is a beautiful and unusual cactus from Patagonia that forms dense cushions up to 1 m in diameter. It is a surprisingly moisture and frost-tolerant cactus. It can also be grown anchored without soil on a roof (like for the sempervivums)
  62. 62
    Mammillaria schiedeana
  63. 63
    Echinopsis hybrid cv. MADAME PELE (Schick)
  64. 64
    Mammillaria sp. variegata (mixed forms)
    Seed plants selected for the variegated body. Very beautiful and strange. Variables.
  65. 65
    Ferobergia F2 Back cross x Ferocactus (Long tubercled Ferocatus)
    You Save:
    €0.46 (12%)
    Ferobergia is made by crossing Ferocactus and Leuchtenbergia. Back cross means that a Ferobergia has been pollinated back with a Ferocactus. These hybrids look more like Ferocactus, with short tubercles and hooked spines. They are quite variable.
  66. 66
    Notocactus magnificus f. albispina (White spines form)
    Notocactus magnificus f. albispina is a rare form with silky white spines. The areoles are very close together and form a solid line along the edge of the rib. It is an odd and nice plant. Often young plants splits open at the base (see photo nr. 3)
  67. 67
    Turbinicarpus mombergeri
    Turbinicarpus mombergeri is a naturally occurring hybrid between T. pseudopectinatus and T. laui. This plant pass a pectinate-plumose spine stage in which they are already floriferous. Most of the plants in time develop longer spines. It is quite variable
  68. 68
    Astrophytum myriostigma "tricostatum nudum"
    Astrophytum myriostigma "tricostatum nudum" is a strikingly pretty cultivar with only three ribs lacking the white flecks that cover the epidermis of the standard myriostigma, giving it a green, gray-green or mauve-green color overall depending on clones.
  69. 69
    Toumeya papyracantha FH083 Valencia Co, New Mexico, USA
    Toumeya papyracantha is a most beautiful cactus but rarely seen in cultivation. It is quite difficult to grow on its own roots, hence for ease of cultivation it is grafted on a very cold resistant Echinocereus. Frost hardy down to -12° (or less).
  70. 70
    Astrophytum asterias cv. SUPERKABUTO classical form (mixed patterns)
    Diameter 4-5 cm, seed grown about 5 years old (own roots never grafted).
  71. 71
    Astrophytum capricorne v. aureum - Long golden spines
    Beautiful plant with a fresh green body and very long flexible golden spines.
  72. 72
    Astrophytum hybrid AS-CAP F2 (asterias x capricorne) - mixed patterns