
  1. 1
    Astrophytum asterias cv. SUPERKABUTO "5 RIBS " Ex Thailand
    Special form with only 5 ribs. Selected specimens. Each one different.
  2. 2
    Echinofossulocactus forma inermis (grafted)
  3. 3
    Pelecyphora aselliformis f. cristata (grafted)
    You Save:
    €2.70 (12%)
    Pelecyphora aselliformis (commonly known as the "Hatchet Cactus") is among the most famous of all cacti for is unique shaped stem.The f. cristata deviate from the standard species for the stem which is fan shaped up to 10 cm (or more) long with age.
  4. 4
    Discocactus horstii (seedling) 3,5-4 cm
    7 year old plants of 3.5-4 cm in diameter. Very few available. Beautiful.
  5. 5
    Discocactus bahiensis v. gracilis MH637, San Rafael, Bahia, Brasil
  6. 6
    Astrophytum caput-medusae x myriostigma f. variegata GRAFTED (Digitostigma x myriostigma variegata)
    Fat yellow and green tubercles, strong and robust growth. Grafted plants, very beautiful.
  7. 7
    Encephalocarpus strobiliformis west of Dr. Arroyo Nuevo Leon, Mexico (GRAFTED)
    Encephalocarpus strobiliformis is a very slow growing, choice Mexican species, commonly called the ''Pinecone Cactus'' for its resemblance to a pine cone. It is often grafted to accelerate and facilitate growth.
  8. 8
    Trichopsis (Trichocereus x Echinopsis hybrid) cv. INDIO MAGIC
    You Save:
    €9.00 (50%)
  9. 9
    Rebutia gonjianii Syn.: Cylindrorebutia gonjianii
  10. 10
    Sulcorebutia heinzii HS 151 - Siles, Totora to Omereque, Cochabamba, Bolivia
  11. 11
    Leuchtenbergia principis (MG594.3) El Carmen
    L. principis is one of the most distinctive, and fascinating cacti with long glaucous-green tubercles, tipped by equally long papery spines, it is unlike anything else. It is slow-growing and has a tuberous root.
  12. 12
    Puna subterranea Incahuasi
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    €0.50 (12%)
    The form "incahuasii", with greener and thinner stems, branches profusely and forms large clumps with more than 100 heads. The flowers are a deep purple and very showy.
  13. 13
    Escobaria missouriensis var. navajoensis  RP33 Navajo County, Arizona,
    Escobaria missouriensis ssp.navajoensis (Neobesseya) is an interesting type of Escobaria missouriensis but tiny. The stem is flattened only a 1-3 cm broad, so it's a very small species. The flower is yellow, small (2-3 cm). The spines are very short.
  14. 14
    Maihuenia poeppigii Patagonia, Argentina.
    Maihuenia poeppigii is a beautiful and unusual cactus from Patagonia that forms dense cushions up to 1 m in diameter. It is a surprisingly moisture and frost-tolerant cactus. It can also be grown anchored without soil on a roof (like for the sempervivums)
  15. 15
    Mammillaria schiedeana
  16. 16
    Coryphantha wohlschlageri
    Coryphantha Wohlschlageri is a small cactus with dark green olive green stems 3 to 5cm and the same diameter. The intensely egg-yellow flowers are 5 to 6 cm in diameter and silky.
  17. 17
    Turbinicarpus subterraneus ssp. zaragosae (Rapicactus, Gymnocatus) SB1437 Zaragoza, Nuevo Leon, Mexico.
    Long slender body, white radial spines, black central spines, creamy-yellow to deep pink flower.
  18. 18
    Echinopsis hybrid cv. MADAME PELE (Schick)
  19. 19
    Mammillaria sp. variegata (mixed forms)
    Seed plants selected for the variegated body. Very beautiful and strange. Variables.
  20. 20
    Ferobergia F2 Back cross x Ferocactus (Long tubercled Ferocatus)
    Ferobergia is made by crossing Ferocactus and Leuchtenbergia. Back cross means that a Ferobergia has been pollinated back with a Ferocactus. These hybrids look more like Ferocactus, with short tubercles and hooked spines. They are quite variable.
  21. 21
    Hildewintera colademononis x Akersia roseiflora (hybrid)
  22. 22
    Notocactus magnificus f. albispina (White spines form)
    You Save:
    €0.69 (12%)
    Notocactus magnificus f. albispina is a rare form with silky white spines. The areoles are very close together and form a solid line along the edge of the rib. It is an odd and nice plant. Often young plants splits open at the base (see photo nr. 3)
  23. 23
    Echinocereus sciurus v. floresii
    Echinocereus sciurus subs. floresii, also known as Echinocereus floresii produces bright pink flowers up to 5 cm long and 7 cm wide the sides of the plant, well below the stem tips.
  24. 24
    Turbinicarpus mombergeri
    Turbinicarpus mombergeri is a naturally occurring hybrid between T. pseudopectinatus and T. laui. This plant pass a pectinate-plumose spine stage in which they are already floriferous. Most of the plants in time develop longer spines. It is quite variable
  25. 25
    Astrophytum myriostigma "tricostatum nudum"
    Astrophytum myriostigma "tricostatum nudum" is a strikingly pretty cultivar with only three ribs lacking the white flecks that cover the epidermis of the standard myriostigma, giving it a green, gray-green or mauve-green color overall depending on clones.
  26. 26
    Matucana madisoniorum f. variegata
    Matucana madisoniorum f. variegata is a rare variety with blue-gray stems and yellow patches. Variegated specimens appear rarely (less than 1 in 1000), making them unique and valuable to collectors. Its beauty lies in its colors and distinctive shape.
  27. 27
    Melocactus peruvianus
    You Save:
    €1.75 (50%)
    Melocactus peruvianus is an Andean specis that comes from the borderline between Peru and Ecuador to Arequipa in Peru. Rare and more cold hardy than others.
  28. 28
    Toumeya papyracantha FH083 Valencia Co, New Mexico, USA
    Toumeya papyracantha is a most beautiful cactus but rarely seen in cultivation. It is quite difficult to grow on its own roots, hence for ease of cultivation it is grafted on a very cold resistant Echinocereus. Frost hardy down to -12° (or less).
  29. 29
    Astrophytum asterias cv. SUPERKABUTO classical form (mixed patterns)
    Diameter 4-5 cm, seed grown about 5 years old (own roots never grafted).
  30. 30
    Astrophytum capricorne (mixed forms)
    You Save:
    €1.50 (50%)
  31. 31
    Astrophytum capricorne v. aureum - Long golden spines
    Beautiful plant with a fresh green body and very long flexible golden spines.
  32. 32
    Astrophytum myriostigma nudum
    Beautiful form that only deviate from the well-known typical form for lacking or mostly lacking white flecks, giving a bright green colour. It is by some considered an extreme form of the subspecies potosinus.
  33. 33
    Chamaecereus hybrid (Chamaelobivia) cv. RAINBOW
    You Save:
    €1.75 (50%)
  34. 34
    Copiapoa humilis north of Paposo (black body)
    Plant with a large tap-root, connected to the stem by long slender neck. Seedlings naturally produce the huge tap root, starting from germination, i.e. before the plant stem becomes mature.
  35. 35
    Copiapoa laui FK439 Esmeralda Guanillos, Chile (1-2 cm Ø)
    It is the smallest of the Copiapoa which begins to flower when it is only 1-2 cm in diameter. Slowly over time it forms many small heads. Stem soft brown whit minute spines, yellow flower and large tuberous root.
  36. 36
    Copiapoa maritima KK 1709 - Paposo, Chile 50-100m
  37. 37
    Coryphantha elephantidens forma prolifera
  38. 38
    Coryphantha macromeris (Lepidocoryphantha macromeris) DJF1353 El Paso, Tx. USA
    It is a hardy cactus with long, dark spines which branches profusely, ultimately forming low mats or hemispheric mounds to 100 cm diameter.
  39. 39
    Cumarinia odorata (Neolloydia odorata)
    You Save:
    €2.25 (50%)
    Cumarinia odorata was described as Coryphantha odorata by Bödeker in 1930, transferred into the genus Neobessaya by Werdermann and thence to the new genus Cumarinia by Knuth which, in turn, was reduced to a sub-genus of Neolloydia by Backeberg in 1942.
  40. 40
    Denmoza rhodacantha
    It's specific name comes from old Greek and means "red spine" for the colour of its clusters of spines. It's a barrel type of cactus and stay globular during a long period before becoming shortly column-shaped.
  41. 41
    Echinocactus grusonii v. brevispinus (inermis)
    You Save:
    €1.80 (50%)
  42. 42
    Echinocactus grusonii v. albispinus
    The Echinocactus grusonii v. albispinus looks just like a regular golden barrel but the spines are all glassy-white instead of yellow.This is a very nice plant.
  43. 43
    Echinocereus engelmannii v. variegatus, SB844, North of Navajo County, Arizona, USA
    It has long red or black central spines and white radial spines , the flower is about 5 cmm across.The fruit is edible (if you can reach through the spines). It is said to taste like strawberry.
  44. 44
    Echinocereus oklahomensis HK1844
  45. 45
    Echinocereus pensilis (syn: Morangaya pensilis)
    It is a very untypical Echinocereus that does not take on the usual hedgehog shape. It is long and vine-like with slim, pendant sprawling stems, usually tangled with many branches up to 250 cm long. Rare in cultivation. Beautiful long orange-red flowers.
  46. 46
    Echinocereus reichenbachii
    Flowers are gigantic intense hot pink-purple, abundant and scented, 5-7 cm long. Echinocereus reichenbachii is cold-hardy and endures severe frost as long as it is kept dry.
  47. 47
    Echinocereus rigidissimus v. rubrispinus L088, Sierra Obscura, W Chihuahua, Mexico 1800m
    This is a "must have" plant for any collection, its attractiveness is in the unique pink and violet colour and density of its spines.
  48. 48
    Echinocereus triglochidiatus HK 1040 - Manzano, Torrance County, New Mexico, USA
    You Save:
    €2.25 (50%)
  49. 49
    Echinocereus websterianus L098 Isla San Pedro Nolasco, Sonora, Mexico, 0-200m
    It can grow as many as about 50 stems in a relatively large clump. They bloom from April through July, and are very showy. Blooming generally begins 7 to 10 years after sowing, as the plant matures. In cultivation it often grows for a long time solitary.
  50. 50
    Echinopsis hybrid cv. BEYOND INFINITY
    You Save:
    €2.49 (50%)
  51. 51
    Echinopsis hybrid cv. HAKU-JO MARU
    You Save:
    €2.75 (50%)
    The woolly areoles on the ribs have a felty line between them so it seems like the areoles are connected with each other.
  52. 52
    Echinopsis hybrid cv. HOT LIPS (Schick)
    Blooms are dark scarlet about 10 to 11cm across with a subtle spicy fragrance. This plant is one of the most popular and appreciated Echinopsis cultivars by cacti enthusiast and hybridiser Bob Schick.
  53. 53
    Echinopsis subdenudata KK1527 Angusto de Villamontes, Bolivia, 1000m (wooly areoles)
    Beautiful species, almost spineless or with very short cream spines. The flowers are very showy brilliant white, about 20 cm tall. Older plants may produce dozen of flowers at the same time.
  54. 54
    Epithelantha micromeris
    Fantastic plants with tiny white spines and bright red fruits.
  55. 55
    Epithelantha micromeris SB125 Arteagas Canyon, Saltillo, Coahuila, Mexico
    This tiny plant appears fragile but it is very hardy and easy to grow.
  56. 56
    Notocactus eugeniae DV41 Tacuarembo, Uruguay 300m
    You Save:
    €0.39 (12%)
    The flowers are numerous and very showy, they are yellow with glossy petals and have a dark purple. It is a pretty plant with white & red spines already an eye catch without any flowers.
  57. 57
    Notocactus herteri
    You Save:
    €2.25 (50%)
    Rather large growing species, fresh green, many straight ribs and yellow-brown spines, wonderful purple flowers!
  58. 58
    Notocactus leninghausii
    You Save:
    €0.36 (12%)
  59. 59
    Notocactus schumannianus v. nigrispinus
    You Save:
    €0.58 (12%)
  60. 60
    Notocactus sucineus (v. aureispinum)
    You Save:
    €1.50 (50%)
    Parodia scopa subs. succinea, best known as Notocactus succineus, is distinguished for its stems with abundant dark yellow central spines. The flowers are very showy, glossy yellow.
  61. 61
    Opuntia invicta (Grusonia invicta)
    You Save:
    €0.75 (12%)
    This is a beautiful mat forming cactus that grows approximately 20-50 cm high and up to 2 m across (or more) with stout stems and very broad formidable spines.
  62. 62
    Opuntia microdaysis 'albata'
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    €0.25 (12%)
    Freely clustering succulent with miniature pads. It has no spines, but instead has numerous white hair-like glochids 2-3 mm long in dense clusters. O. microdasys may look soft and touchable, but don't!
  63. 63
    Puna bonnieae DJF 319 - Cuesta Loro Huasi
    You Save:
    €0.69 (12%)
    This small geophytic opuntioid looks like a small Tephrocactus geometricus, but the bloom, fruit and the seeds clearly show its autonomous nature.
  64. 64
    Pygmaecereus bylesianus (Perù)
    You Save:
    €0.54 (12%)
    Pygmaeocereus bylesianus is a diminutive cactus with short, dense rust-coloured spines and remarkably beautiful white nocturnal flowers which open for just a single night.
  65. 65
    Rebutia aureispina n.n. KK1694 - Potosi, Bolivia 3800m (Aylostera)
    This is a nice clumping plants with lots of large orange red flowers from the lower stem. It has got very long and beautiful amber spines.
  66. 66
    Rebutia fulviseta WR319 Tarija, Tarija, Bolivia
  67. 67
    Rebutia pulvinosa FR766 - Río Pilaya in lateral gulley, North-East of Tarija, Tarija, Bolivia
  68. 68
    Selenicereus urbanianus forma mostruosa Unrooted cuttings
    Marvellously bizarre plant for any collection of oddities. Easy to grow and to boom. The plants on sale are unrootted cuttings.
  69. 69
    Sulcorebutia augustinii HS152 Huanakuni Chico, Cochabamba, Bolivia
    Choice Miniature species, very attractive even without flowers.
  70. 70
    Sulcorebutia gerosenilis KK2005 Murillo Bolivia
    White, hairy spines, magnificent.
  71. 71
    Sulcorebutia rauschii cv. "Yellow spines"
    Very odd and different cultivar with violet body and short pectinated spines. Really a beautiful plant!
  72. 72
    Sulcorebutia rauschii HS121/1 - Cerro Flor de Aikampa, Zudañez, Chuquisaca, Bolivia 2700m, pot 6x6 cm.