The flowers are different every time the plant blooms but always beautiful, ranging in color from red to purple with a yellow or cream border.
A beautiful bloomer, Chamaecereus hybrid (Chamaelobivia) cv. LINCOLN SORBET, features gorgeous flowers from spring to summer. The centre of the flower is white and the petals tips are bright purple-violet.
Mammillaria herrerae is small cactus that look like a little golf ball with dense addpressed, white spines. The flowers are quite large for a Mammillaria, pale pink to red-violet and very showy.
Flowers 12-13 cm Ø with very toothed apricot yellow inner petals tipped dark orange. The next row of petals is apricot with a red-purple center stripe. Red-violet outer petals. Hybridized by Anton Maas.
Great hybrid with beautiful flowers from the same breeding line as "Sunny"!
Dark red beauty. This is one of the varieties with darker flowers, the deep red petals have the appearance and texture of velvet. It is not possible to render the color intensity of these flowers in the photo.
The peculiarity of this beautiful plant consists in the fact that at the beginning it alwais begins to grow as cylindrical branch, but after some time it starts forming the magnificent crest. For sale cylindrical branches with crest start.
Discocactus horstii is a small solitary cactus with a blackish discoid body typical of this flat and globular genus. The cephalium is covered by the flowers that come out of it. These cacti possess an exotic appearance shared by no other cactus.
Juvenile specimens initially have short spines, but as the plants grow, they form completely thornless areoles. Adult specimens are completely nude and particularly beautiful. RARE!!!
Two years old seedling, not grafted.
Mammillaria breviplumosa is a new very rare species with small feather-like spines arranged helicoidaly on the stem. Flower white with magenta striped petals.
Flower 16 cm (Pisac x Orange California)
The petals are yellow with red median line, variable (but always stunning). This cultivar is also known as "FIRECHIEF", "MARDI GRAS", "FLAMETHROWER" and "FLAMBEAU". Native to the USA, it is similar to "SOM AEY", a rare Thai hybrid.
Mixed Thelocactus species grown from seed. Very nice selection.
Crazy flowers that vary with each bloom. Inner petals from entire to thin and deeply thoothed, dull orange yellow with a lighter base. The pinkish to light purple outer petals are only visible when the inner petals are thoothed.
First Light is a classic Trichocereus hybridized by Mark Dimmitt. Inner petals light pink with a darker magenta midstipe. The back petals almost completely magenta, the throat is yellow. This hybrid blooms multiple times a year.
This HWH is very floriferous. The first flowers appear already on plants with a height of about 12 cm. The flowers are numerous beautiful, bright and spectacular!
Seed grown approx. 1-1,5 cm. VERY RARE.
H. 3,5-4 cm. Innestato basso su Echinocereus resistenti a gelo intenso.
Dwarf form, with huge violet-pink flowers. Beautiful.
Dark olive-brown stem, very flat, growing at ground level. Short spines pressed against the body. Beautiful plant but very slow growing.
U. buiningii characterized by a dark-green to puple-red body is the most diminutive and also the most floriferous of the genus. It is a very pretty plant but tricky to cultivate and almost always grown grafted onto columnar cacti. Very rare. OWN ROOT !!!!
Pelecyphora aselliformis (commonly known as the "Hatchet Cactus") is among the most famous of all cacti for is unique shaped stem.The f. cristata deviate from the standard species for the stem which is fan shaped up to 10 cm (or more) long with age.
7 year old plants of 3.5-4 cm in diameter. Very few available. Beautiful.
Fat yellow and green tubercles, strong and robust growth. Grafted plants, very beautiful.
Specie particolarissima con sottili fusti digitiformi, grosse radici tuberose e spine pettinate. Questa è una delle rebutie più belle, ma molto rara nelle collezzioni.
L. principis è un cactus unico fornito di lunghi tubercoli azzurri e spine papiraceee e flessibiliche che non assomiglia a nessun altra specie. La pianta (di lenta) crescita ha una grossa radice tuberosa.
La forma "incahuasii" ha fusti piu sottili e verdi, accestisce abbondantemente e può formare cespi con oltre 100 teste. I fiori sono molto belli di colore porpora-viola intenso.
Escobaria missouriensis ssp.navajoensis (Neobesseya) is an interesting type of Escobaria missouriensis but tiny. The stem is flattened only a 1-3 cm broad, so it's a very small species. The flower is yellow, small (2-3 cm). The spines are very short.
Maihuenia poeppigii is a beautiful and unusual cactus from Patagonia that forms dense cushions up to 1 m in diameter. It is a surprisingly moisture and frost-tolerant cactus. It can also be grown anchored without soil on a roof (like for the sempervivums)
Long slender body, white radial spines, black central spines, creamy-yellow to deep pink flower.
Seed plants selected for the variegated body. Very beautiful and strange. Variables.
Ferobergia is made by crossing Ferocactus and Leuchtenbergia. Back cross means that a Ferobergia has been pollinated back with a Ferocactus. These hybrids look more like Ferocactus, with short tubercles and hooked spines. They are quite variable.
Eriosyce taltalensis is spiny geophytic cactus with stems rising barely above ground level. The stem is globose or semi-globular dull dark green, in the sun often tinged with purple. The roots are fibrous, arising from a short, conical taproot.
Astrophytum myriostigma "tricostatum nudum" is a strikingly pretty cultivar with only three ribs lacking the white flecks that cover the epidermis of the standard myriostigma, giving it a green, gray-green or mauve-green color overall depending on clones.
Melocactus peruvianus is an Andean specis that comes from the borderline between Peru and Ecuador to Arequipa in Peru. Rare and more cold hardy than others.
Toumeya papyracantha is a most beautiful cactus but rarely seen in cultivation. It is quite difficult to grow on its own roots, hence for ease of cultivation it is grafted on a very cold resistant Echinocereus. Frost hardy down to -12° (or less).
Diametro 4-5 cm, piante da seme di cica 5 anni di età su radici proprie.
Pianta molto bella e particolare con corpo verde e lunghissime spine dorate.
Deliziosa cultivar giapponese caratterizzata da sottili fusti digitiformi. Il vero "HUBUKI" è molto raro in coltivazione. Questa splendida cultivar è infatti spesso confusa con la simile e molto più comune cv. HUBOKI che è simile ma non identica.
Bella forma che differisce dal tipico myriostigma per il corpo liscio di colore verde brillante, infatti questa pianta è senza o con pochissimi puntini bianchi. Alcuni la considerano una forma estrema della ssp. potosinum.
L'Astrophytum ornatum è la specie più grande e facile da coltivare ed anche quella di crescita più veloce. Sferica da giovane diventa colonnare da adulta, alcuni esemplari sviluppano attraenti costolature a spirale.
Pianta con corpo parzialmente sotterraneo che si origina da una grossa radice napiforme. Il fusto di colore bronzato normalmente ramifica dalla base. Pianta dalle fioriture generose e ripetute durante tutta la buona stagione.
It is the smallest of the Copiapoa which begins to flower when it is only 1-2 cm in diameter. Slowly over time it forms many small heads. Stem soft brown whit minute spines, yellow flower and large tuberous root.
Cumarinia odorata was described as Coryphantha odorata by Bödeker in 1930, transferred into the genus Neobessaya by Werdermann and thence to the new genus Cumarinia by Knuth which, in turn, was reduced to a sub-genus of Neolloydia by Backeberg in 1942.
L'Echinocactus grusonni albispinus è simile al comune "Cuscino della suocera" ma differisce per le spine che sono lunghe bianco vitree e non giallo dorate. Pianta molto bella.
Specie inconfondibile con corpo sferico apiattito quasi privo di spine che sembra un pomodoro verde. I fiori rosa. La enorme radice tuberosa richede vasi di dimensione adeguata.
Piccola specie accestente, fiorisce abbondantemente già quando ancora di piccole dimensioni. I fiori sono rosa brillante e si aprono in primavera. Cresce insieme a Mammillaria wrightii v. wilcoxii.
Pianta rara in coltivazione ma molto bella e adatta per vasi sospesi. E' un Echinocereus molto strano e diverso da tuttti gli altri per via dei lunghissimi rami sarmentosi e ricadenti che possono allungarsi fino a 2/2,5 mt! Fiori lunghi, arancio/porpora.
I fiori sono abbondanti di color porpora scuro e profumati, larghi 5-7 cm (o più). Questa specie è molto rustica, tollera temperature di molti gradi sottozero senza difficoltà, anche all'aperto!
Questa è una di quelle piante che non possono mancare in una collezione di cactacee, la sua maggiore attrattiva sono le dense spine pettinate di un bellissimo color rosa-viola.
L'Echinocereus triglochidiatus mojavensis è uno dei cactus più interessanti. Può formare grossi cespi di oltre un metro in diametro con centinaia di teste. I fiori rossi a trombetta sono particolarmente attraenti.