

  1. 1
    Mammillaria woodsii (Mammillaria hahniana subs. woodsii)
    € 3,60
    Mammillaria woodsii, fusto bianco con tubercoli sormontati da spine radiali bianche e centrali bruno-nerastre, avvolti in una fitta lanuggine bianca. I fiori creano una corona rosso-purpurea in primavera ed estate. Bellissima!
  2. 2
    Mammillaria gracilis cv. MINI SNOWCAP
    € 3,60
    Dwarf form of ARIZONA SNOWCAP
  3. 3
    Mammillaria camptotricha
    € 4,50
  4. 4
    Notocactus concinnus v. parviflorus
    € 3,15
  5. 5
    Coryphantha runyonii "COMPACT" (forma mostruosa brevispina)
    € 7,00
  6. 6
    Eriosyce paucicostata (Neoporteria paucicostata)
    € 8,90
    € 7,83
    € 1,07 (12%)
  7. 7
    Astrophytum capricorne v. crassispinum "Yellow Spines"
    € 9,00
  8. 8
    Lobivia haematantha v. viridis R709 (Lobivia walteri) Salta to Cafayate, Salta, Argentina
    € 4,50
  9. 9
    Echinofossulocactus phyllacanthus v. violaciflorus SB107 Salinas, San Luis Potos, Mexico
    € 3,89
    € 3,43
    € 0,46 (12%)
    Fiore viola.
  10. 10
    Polaskia chichipe forma cristata
    € 18,00
  11. 11
    Frailea castanea Quarai, Rio Grande do Sul, Brazil
    € 5,40
    € 4,75
    € 0,65 (12%)
  12. 12
    Astrophytum asterias L1016 Gonzales, Tamaulipas, Mexico, 100m
    € 7,50
    Astrophytum asterias is small, round, spineless and squat cactus. The disc-shaped body is divided into 8 ribs, greenish-brown and may appear speckled from its covering of white scales. The flowers of this cactus are yellow with red red bases.
  13. 13
    Turbinicarpus schmiedickeanus ssp. dickisoniae RS321/A Aramberi to Lampacitos, Nuevo Leon, Mexico
    € 9,00
    Turbinicarpus schmiedickeanus ssp. dickisoniae is similar to Turbinicarpus schmiedickeanus ssp. gracilis the closest variety. Radials spines 18-24 white 2mm long on young areoles (areole in old specimens have only central spines).
  14. 14
    Gymnocalycium cv. GERMAN HELMET
    € 12,00
    € 10,56
    € 1,44 (12%)
  15. 15
    Notocactus blaauwianus
    € 3,50
  16. 16
    Opuntia sulphurea
    € 5,40
    Opuntia sulphurea has conspicuously tuberculate joints. The spines are very dense and stiff, horncolored. Flowers about 4 cm. long, yellow.
  17. 17
    Copiapoa maritima
    € 9,00
    Copiapoa maritima comes from a habitat with an extremely arid climate, they are remarkably tolerant of pot culture. These plants have thick taproots and are susceptible to overwatering.
  18. 18
    Notocactus claviceps  (light yellow flowers)
    € 5,40
    Notocactus claviceps is a smaller growing form of Notocactus schumannianus that does not exceed 50 cm in height. It has attractive light yellow (nearly white) flowers in summer.
  19. 19
    Thelocactus tulensis Huizache, San Luis Potosi, Mexico
    € 3,00
  20. 20
    Astrophytum myriostigma "subnudum"
    € 5,40
    Astrophytum myriostigma var. subnudum (partially naked form) is similar to A. myriostigma nudum, but deviates from it for having only a few white spots. The spots often form nice patterned designes on the dark green body.
  21. 21
    Chamaecereus hybrid cv. GOLDEN EYE
    € 5,50
    Chamaelobivia ’Golden Eye’ is a nice hybrid with orange-red flowers. Unique character of big yellow center (Eye). EFX.ESP1, from a Chamaecereus hybrid seed mix by Edith Koch.
  22. 22
    Gymnocalycium gibbosum v. chubutense JN1375 Playa Union, Chubut, Argentina
    € 5,80
    € 5,10
    € 0,70 (12%)
    Gymnocalycium gibbosum var. chubutense distingushes for the unusual dark green to nearly black stem and for the cream-white or pinkish flowers. In its habit during winter there are heavy snows and frosts can occur throughout the year.
  23. 23
    Echinofossulocactus erectocentrus CH484 La Soledad, Nuevo Leon, Mexico, 1520m
    € 5,40
    € 4,75
    € 0,65 (12%)
    Echinofossulocactus erectocentrus typically has 43 or fewer ribs. The spines are long, flexible (to 13 cm) and come up and close over the top of the plant. It produces whitish flowers with purple midvien in early spring.
  24. 24
    Turbinicarpus schmiedickeanus
    € 7,50
    Turbinicarpus schmiedickeanus is a tiny cactus that grows almost completely buried in the ground. It has a body that is essentially disc-shaped and flat on top, but that also has prominent tubercles rising above the general level of the plant body.
  25. 25
    Turbinicarpus alonsoi PP859 Xichu, Guanajuato, Mexico.
    € 7,00
    Turbinicarpus alonsoi is a small cactus with a large tap-root, and only the apical part of the stem exposed at soil level. The spines are flattened, cardboard-like, grey with dark tip, irregularly bent inwards, frequently weathered, not piercing.
  26. 26
    Echinopsis hybrid cv. WINTERSET (Schick)
    € 8,50
    Flower to 14 cm across. Petals white with pure white midrib. Outer petals and sepals projecting beyond inners, some outers and all sepals with light grey midstripe. Throat-circle, filaments and stigma white. Stem semicolumnar, to about 8.5 cm in diameter.
  27. 27
    Eriosyce chilensis v. albiflora (Neoporteria)
    € 7,50
    € 6,60
    € 0,90 (12%)
    Eriosyce chilensis v. albiflora is a beautiful cactus with pale green stems cowered with dense whitish-yellow to brownish spines. The flowers are produced in summer, closely packed apically from young areoles, they are flattish, usually creamy white.
  28. 28
    Opuntia erinacea v. ursina white spines form (Grizzly Bear Prickly Pear)
    € 9,90
  29. 29
    Astrophytum coahuilense PP478 Lerdo, Durango, Mexico
    € 5,40
  30. 30
    Mammillaria conspicua (Mammillaria haageana ssp. conspicua)
    € 4,90
    Mammillaria conspicua, can be distinguished from the other forms of the Mammillaria haageana complex because it is often solitary and has larger stems up to 10-11 cm in diameter. Each head is surrounded by a full ring of magenta pink star-like flowers.
  31. 31
    Astrophytum capricorne v. senilis
    € 3,89
    Astrophytum senile is a variety of A. capricorne that has beautiful yellow flowers with a red center and long flexible spines so densely wrapped that the body is barely visible and looks like a bundle of dry grass.
  32. 32
    Astrophytum asterias cv. OOIBO + RURI KABUTO (nudum)
    € 9,00
    (Seedling on its own roots) This is a Japanese selected strain with very large characteristic and woolly areole in combination with the green epidermis of "RURI KABUTO" (nudum). It is one of the most famous and peculiar Japanese Astrophytum cultivars.
  33. 33
    Tephrocactus compressus
    € 3,89
  34. 34
    Neoraimondia herzogiana MN626 South of Sotomayor, Bolivia
    € 5,40
    Native to Bolivia Neoraimondia herzogiana is a columnar cactus shaped like a candelabrum up to 15 m tall. Unlike most cactus species, its large brown areoles produce flowers year after year. The white or pink flowers are followed by edible fruits.
  35. 35
    Rebutia heliosa v. condorensis VJ23 Condor Pas 2500 m , dpt. Tarija , Bolivia
    € 4,50
    This form comprises the clones of the species with dark red flowers, and larger heads. It has very short spines arranged on globes so that it looks like orbs covered with small, white spiders.
  36. 36
    Echinocereus reichenbachii v. burrensis Sierra del Carmen, Coahuila, Mexico.
    € 5,85
    € 5,15
    € 0,70 (12%)
    Echinocereus reichenbachii v. burrensis is one of the smaller Echinocereus species with thigt amber coloured pectinate spines. It is very beautiful expecially when in flower.
  37. 37
    Lobivia arachnacantha hybrid cv. FLOR ROSSO (Red)
    € 5,40
  38. 38
    Hildewintera hybrid cv. HOT LIPSTICK
    € 14,00
  39. 39
    Ferocactus fordii 'Pazzo' f. variegata (Seeds from monstrous plants)
    € 7,50
    € 6,60
    € 0,90 (12%)
  40. 40
    Stetsonia coryne
    € 3,60
    Stetsonia coryne, the only species of the genus Stetsonia, is a large, tree-like columnar cactus 3-10 m tall and is one of the most striking features of hot desert regions in Argentina. It is famous for the fiercely spines to 10 cm long.
  41. 41
    Echinocereus reichenbachii v. baileyi 'minor' (albispinus) JRT228 Troy, Johnston Co., Oklahoma, USA
    € 4,15
    € 3,65
    € 0,50 (12%)
    Echinocereus reichenbachii ssp. baileyi 'minor' (albispinus) has small multi-clumping stems with mainly white spines. Medium light pink flowers with white centers. Winter hardy/Winterhart.
  42. 42
    Hildewintera hybrid cv. WEIXDORF
    € 7,50
    Blooms with rose-white inner petals with a touch of violet. Inner petals stay in a semi-funnel form with crinkled petal edges and tips. Outer petals are darker, rose-violet and recurving. Occasionally has a pinkish-orange overcast on back petals.
  43. 43
    Hildewintera hybrid cv. PINK NORHEIM
    € 15,00
    Flowers 10-12 cm diameter bloom similar to Hildewintera 'Otto Schultz' in light white-pink inners to darker pink outer petals but larger. Good grower, easy to bloom.
  44. 44
    Yungasocereus inquisivensis
    € 5,70
    Yungasocereus inquisivensis is known only from Yungas and Inquisivi provinces of La Paz Department, where it is found at elevations of around 2000m. It is a columnar cactus up to 4–5 mm tall. The flowers are white in groups of 5-8 near the stem tips.
  45. 45
    Notocactus acutus
    € 13,20
    Notocactus acutus is a distinctive cactus which flower reliably every year with lovely shiny yellow blossoms.
  46. 46
    Chamaecereus hybrid cv. PAN 17.4.147
    € 7,00
  47. 47
    Chamaecereus hybrid cv. PAN 17.8.1
    € 10,00
  48. 48
    Chamaecereus hybrid cv. PAN 17.8.103
    € 7,50
  49. 49
    Echinocereus rigidissimus Rosario, Sonora, Mexico
    € 4,50
    € 3,96
    € 0,54 (12%)
    a.k.a the Rainbow Cactus it has pinkish-red short pectinate radial spines curved slightly towards the stem. The flowers are bright pink in colour with a white colored throat, seedlings very attractive.
  50. 50
    Rebutia poecilantha (Aylostera)
    € 3,00
    Rebutia poecilantha is a small cactus specie with bright crimson flowers collected at north of Camargo, in bolivia by F. Ritter (field number FR1139). It is a very nice plant and it will be worth for a place in every cactus collection.
  51. 51
    Coryphantha pycnantha L1229 North of the city of Oaxaca, Oaxaca, Mexico, 1700m
    € 3,60
  52. 52
    Echinocactus ingens
    € 33,90
    € 29,83
    € 4,07 (12%)
    Echinocactus ingens is easily recognized by it's large size, being the largest of all barrel cacti. It is usually solitary and may grow up to 2,5 m tall and 1,5 m wide. In habitat it could live more than a hundred years.
  53. 53
    Rebutia cv. DOROTHY
    € 3,89
    Rebutia cv. DOROTHY produces very nice deep-pink flowers. This plant flowers consistently.
  54. 54
    Coryphantha scolymoides (Syn: Coryphantha cornifera v. scolymoides)
    € 4,50
    Coryphantha scolymoides has pale green stems, with tubercles ascending like tiles, spines numerous, radials ones flesh-coloured with a single central spine recurved, black, grey at the base. Flowers large, yellow with read throat.
  55. 55
    Hamatocactus setispinus v. hamatus GL154 San Antonio, Texas, USA
    € 3,60
  56. 56
    Echinocereus hybrid forma variegata (Mixed forms)
    € 7,70
    € 6,78
    € 0,92 (12%)
    Seedlings of different species and hybrids with variegated body. Each one different and unique.
  57. 57
    Thelocactus hybrid forma variegata (mixed forms)
    € 7,70
    Mixed forms of different hybrid origin with variegated body. Variegated plants have sectors, patches or stripes with two or more colours. Plants with variegated body are highly prized. Very variable.
  58. 58
    Astrophytum capricorne forma variegata (mixed forms)
    € 8,91
    Variegated plants have sectors, patches or stripes with two or more colours. Plants with variegated body are highly prized. Very variable.
  59. 59
    Astrophytum myriostigma cv. FUKURYU (Type B - HEKIRAN FUKURYU) "nudum"
    € 5,40
    "Fukuryu Rampowgyoku". FUKURYU is a Japanese word that would mean presence of additional ribs. It forms small knobby ribs that have not areoles and develops on the lateral side sandwiched between two contiguous true ribs.
  60. 60
    Mammillaria muehlenpfordtii (celsiana)
    € 4,50
    Mammillaria muehlenpfordtii is a massive globose cactus with bright carmine flowers. It divide dichotomously to form two stems as it matures, this process repeats several times giving rise to large mounds. The spines are glassy white and yellow.
  61. 61
    Astrophytum asterias "nudum star type" + white areoles
    € 18,00
    This particular cultivar differs from the typical A. asterias due to the starry rather than rounded stem and the large felted areoles. The skin is dull green and smooth.
  62. 62
    Coryphantha pallida SB550 Alsaseca, Puebla, Mexico
    € 3,89
    Round dark green body, whitish radial spines, darker hooked central spine, large yellow flower. In culture Coryphantha pallida is without problems and regularly shows its large pale yellow flowers.
  63. 63
    Lemaireocereus pruinosus
    € 3,60
    Lemaireocereus pruinosus is a tree-like columnar cactus to 4-5 m tall with trunk(s) from which branching stems arise from the base for a distinctive V-shape. The pruinose colour of young branches distinguishes it from the other arborescent species.
  64. 64
    Neobuxbaumia euphorbioides f. cristata
    € 13,50
    Neobuxbaumia euphorbioides f. cristata is very strong and can grow up to 1 m in diameter and height (or more).
  65. 65
    Eriosyce gerocephala (white spines form ex Lausser material)
    € 9,00
    € 7,92
    € 1,08 (12%)
    Eriosyce gerocephala, best known as Neoporteria gerocephala is distinguished by thin, soft and flexible cream-white spines. Very nice!
  66. 66
    Astrophytum myriostigma "nudum forma variegata" (mixed forms)
    € 13,50
    Variegated plants have sectors, patches or stripes with two or more colours. Plants with variegated body are highly prized. Very variable.
  67. 67
    Copiapoa sp. (mixed forms)
    € 4,50
    Mixed copiapoa species grown from seed. Many of them collected in habitat. Selection of 4-5 years old seedlings without labels. Very nice selection. In pot diameter 5,5 cm.
  68. 68
    Cipocereus bradei HU143 Conselheiro Mata, Minas Gerais, Brazil
    € 13,50
    Cipocereus bradei is a columnar cactus with black spines that disappear as stems age. it is quite floriferous, both in habitat and cultivation. The flowers are blue outside and white within. The dark, globose fruits appear intense glaucous blue.
  69. 69
    Mammillaria camptotricha f. subnuda (subinermis)
    € 4,00
    It alternates seasonal growth phases with tubercles without spines (f. inermis) with others with long spines. Odd and original.
  70. 70
    Echinopsis hybrid arancio tenue ++ / soft orange
    € 3,89
    € 3,43
    € 0,46 (12%)
  71. 71
    Turbinicarpus bonatzii
    € 12,00
    Stem dark green-bluish, semi-globose, depressed, divided into tubercles, merging in a tuberous root 3-5 cm long. The flowers are light cream to slightly pinkish, with reddish throat. They bloom very early in winter (January-February in Europe)
  72. 72
    Opuntia quitensis
    € 3,60
    Opuntia Quitensis is a bushy species formed by small bright green segments. The orange to bright red flowers create a wonderful contrast to the green of the segments, giving this plant a truly exotic look overall.