Sulcorebutia taratensis v. minima WR196 Cochabamba, cochabamba, Bolivia

Sulcorebutia taratensis v. minima WR196 Cochabamba, cochabamba, Bolivia
  • Sulcorebutia taratensis v. minima WR196 Cochabamba, cochabamba, Bolivia
  • Sulcorebutia taratensis v. minima WR196 Cochabamba, cochabamba, Bolivia
  • Sulcorebutia taratensis v. minima WR196 Cochabamba, cochabamba, Bolivia
  • Sulcorebutia taratensis v. minima WR196 Cochabamba, cochabamba, Bolivia

Sulcorebutia taratensis v. minima WR196 Cochabamba, cochabamba, Bolivia

Pianta minuscola che forma rapidamente piccoli cespi con numerose teste. I fusti sono globosi o elongati grigio-verde scuro spesso si tintingono in rosso e misurano solamente 1-2 cm in diametro e 2-5 cm in altezza.
€ 2,64
€ 3,00
€ 0,36 (12%)
Promozione valida fino al 28 luglio
€ 2,64


Pianta minuscola che forma  rapidamente piccoli cespi con numerose teste. I fusti sono globosi o elongati grigio-verde scuro spesso si tintingono in rosso e misurano solamente 1-2 cm in diametro e 2-5 cm in altezza.


Family: Cactaceae (Cactus Family)

Scientific name:  Sulcorebutia taratensis var. minima Rausch 1968

Cochabamba, Cochabamba, Bolivia


Conservation status: Listed in CITES appendix 2.

  • Rebutia steinbachii Werd.
  • Weingartia minima
  • Sulcorebutia verticillacantha v. taratensis 'minima' WR 196
  • Sulcorebutia verticillacantha var. minima
  • Sulcorebutia canigueralii v minima


Sulcorebutia taratensis var. minima WR 196 Cochabamba, Cochabamba, Bolivia



Description: It is a minuscule clumping plant, readily forming small clumps of many heads.
Stems are
globose to elongated, greysh-green to dark green sometime tinged red, diameter only 1-2 cm, height 2-5 cm.
Spines: Short, adpressed, creamy white, brown areoles.
Ribs: Poorly distinguished, forming oblong rhomboidal grooved tubercles.
Long narrow depressed with short grey felt(almost naked) 1-3 mm long.
Radial spines:
9-12 (or more) about up to 3 mm long,
acicular, addpressed against the body white, yellow, with darker brown base.
Central spines:
Flowers: Arising from
monoflorous areoles, in lower lateral flower zone. Rarely more than 3,5 cm long and 4,5 in diameter, magenta . Floral tube funnel-shaped, with broad naked scales.
Phenology: Blossoming time: Late spring.
Fruits: Small papery olive green to reddish brown at maturity.


Cultivation: Very difficult to find high quality plants of this species in cultivation, S. taratensis "minima" loves a very permeable, coarse mineral soil  as well as to be strictly kept dry throughout  the winter quiescent period since it is very sensitive to any moisture excesses, To prevent rottenness it is also advisable to surround its root neck by very rough sand or grit, this help a fast water drainage and an appropriate air circulation.
For its sensitive roots this species is frequently grafted to avoid root problems. Plants are quite frost hardy -5 (-10)° C
Watering Needs: Water moderately in the growing season, keep dry during  the winter rest
Frost Tolerance: 
Overwinter  in a cool place (at 0/10°C)  this is important for the flowers as well as for plants health. Without this cool winter period they normally wont get any buds. Sun Exposure: Needs a full sun exposure ( light shadow my be useful in the hottest summer days).

Propagation: Seed, cutting, grafting.