
  1. 1
    Lithops x Dinterops F2 cv. FAVORS MAMA
    Back cross between a Lithops and a Dinterops (Lithops x Dinteranthus vanzylii hybrid). Surprising and easily grown.
  2. 2
    Lithops aucampiae cv. Jackson's Jade C395A
    Green/yellow body and yellow flowers.
  3. 3
    Conophytum minutum
    C. minutum is aptly named for it is only 1 cm tall body, it is in fact one of the smallest or dwarf succulent that offsets readily forming small clumps. Produces a profusion of violet flowers in autumn.
  4. 4
    Fenestraria rhopalophylla
    Commonly called "Baby Toes" has small club-shaped leaves with fenestrate ends and form large clumps by offsetting. Flowers colours range from pure white to rich golden yellow.
  5. 5
    Lapidaria margaretae SB1798 Eendoorn, Groot Namaland, Namibia
    big form, lovely bluish chunks .
  6. 6
    Lithops bromfieldii C368, 25km South-East of Upington, Cape Province (SA)
    Mostly rusty red.
  7. 7
    Lithops fulviceps v. lactinea C222 TL 100 km West-South-West of Keetmanshoop, Namibia
    Pale form with grey body and pinkish-milky-grey top with (usually) a few thin red lines and grey dots.
  8. 8
    Lithops fulviceps v. laevigata C412 TL 90km North-East Pofadder, Northern cape, South Africa
    Very peculiar small convex form with a relatively smooth surface without the large raised dusky dots which characterize the type variety.
  9. 9
    Lithops hallii v. ochracea C303 30 km E of Kenhardt, South Africa
    Grey orange, red lines.
  10. 10
    Lithops hookeri v. marginata C088 "Cerise form"  20 km WNW of Hopetown, South Africa
    pink rusty grey .
  11. 11
    Lithops julii ssp fulleri C323, 25km SW of Upington, Cape Province (SA)
    Coarse patterns.
  12. 12
    Lithops karasmontana mickbergensis, C327, 15km North-North-East of Grünau, Namibia
    Rough orange rocks.
  13. 13
    Lithops lesliei (Kimberley Form) C341
  14. 14
    Lithops pseudotruncatella ssp dendritica 'pulmonuncula' C71, 50km WNW of Rehoboth Namibia
  15. 15
    Lithops salicola C353 15 km WNW Luckhoff, Free State (SA)
    Lithops salicola is surprisingly suited for outdoors, tolerating cold (-10°C) and rain. It blooms in autumn and is perfect for gardens or pots without protection.
  16. 16
    Lithops verruculosa (inae) C095, 55km SW of Prieska, Cape Province, RSA
  17. 17
    Lithops lesliei v. mariae C152 30 km NNO von Kimberley, South Africa
    Fne speckles and lines.
  18. 18
    Lithops pseudotruncatella ssp. archerae C306 TL: 120 km NW of Maltahöhe, Namibia
  19. 19
    Lithops werneri C188 TL: 25 km NNO von Usakos, Namibia
    Very rare and beautiful - tiny with clear deep and dark lines.
  20. 20
    Odontophorus protoparcoides EVJ631B Rosyntjieberg, Northern Namaqualand, Cape Province, South Africa.
    tomato worm teeth .
  21. 21
    Lithops hookeri v. susannae C091 TL: 30 km SW Douglas, South Africa
  22. 22
    Lithops julii C297 60 km W Warmbad, Namibia
    They have a nearly white stonelike body and top with pale grey blushes, some specimens are opaque whitish-grey and almost uniform in colour. They produce a single white daisy-like flower that emerges from the fissure from mid-summer through Autumn.
  23. 23
    Lithops julii ssp. fulleri v. rouxii C217 70 km WSW von Warmbad, Namibia
    Soft grey windows.
  24. 24
    Lithops karasmontana 'opalina' (MG1632)
    A beautiful form with pastel-pink to milky grey surface.
  25. 25
    Lithops lesliei C139 5km E Benoni, Transvaal (SA)
  26. 26
    Lithops marmorata C360 35 km NO von Steinkopf, South Africa
    Elevated pink lobes, zig zag lines.
  27. 27
    Lithops salicola C321 25 km WNW of Petrusville, South Africa
    This is one of the easiest species. Some people consider it one of the most tolerant of overwatering.
  28. 28
    Lithops aucampiae C003 10km South-East of Postmasburg, Cape Province
  29. 29
    Lithops dinteri ssp multipunctata C181 TL: 65 km SO von Warmbad, Namibia
  30. 30
    Lithops gesinae v. annae C078 25km South-West of Helmeringhausen, Namibia
    Warm orange colors, truncate.
  31. 31
    Lithops hallii C087 TL: 30 km SO von Hopetown, South Africa (syn. L. salicola reticulata)
    Intermediate between L. salicola and L. halli it has a large fine reticulate brown windows.
  32. 32
    Lithops hallii v. ochracea C111A cv. GREEN SOAPSTONE 35 km WNW von Prieska, South Africa
    Pale green freak.
  33. 33
    Lithops hookeri v. lutea C038 TL: 5 km NW of Groblershoop, South Africa
    Nice form of Lithops hookeri with rich orange coloration characterized by large island and coarse network of grooves on the top face. Flowers are Yellow in late summer.
  34. 34
    Lithops julii "pallid" SB1344 Vrede, Namibia
    The more distinctive feature of this "pallid" greyish-white plant is a brown 'lip-smear' along the inner margins. The lip-smear occurs occasionally as a narrow edging or lining all along the outer margins.
  35. 35
    Cheiridopsis brownii Beauvallon
    It is notable for its show of long-lasting bright yellow flowers. Blooms from autumn to hearly winter.
  36. 36
    Faucaria tigrina
    Popular clump-forming species with thick, green triangular leaves with up to ten pointed, soft recurved "teeth" along the edges, making them look like open jaws. Flowers are yellow and last for a very long time in autumn.
  37. 37
    Glottiphyllum oligocarpum
  38. 38
    Lithops karasmontana ssp. bella C295 115 km SSE of Aus, Namibia
    Very wide jagged windows.
  39. 39
    Lithops salicola 'maculate' C086 35km SE of Hopetown, Cape Province RSA
    This plant is easily recognized for the finely spotted top.
  40. 40
    Rabiea albinota
    Rosettes of 4-5 pairs of green leaves 4 cm long and triangular in cross-section with numerous tuberculate dots. Bright yellow flowers.
  41. 41
    Lithops aucampiae (Kuruman Form) C173 60 km SE of Kuruman, South Africa
    Robust. Light hazelnut with mahogany-colored reticulation.
  42. 42
    Lithops hallii C022 55km South-West of Prieska, Cape Province
  43. 43
    55km North of Upington, Cape Province
  44. 44
    Lithops hookeri v. elephina C093 25km North-East of Britstown, Cape Province
    Dark rusty grey body.
  45. 45
    Lithops lesliei C005 (Warrenton form)near Warrenton, Cape Province (SA)
  46. 46
    Pleiospilos simulans
    This is s a mimicry plant know as "African living rock" or “Splits rock” because it imitates split chunks of granite (especially if grown in full blazing sun) It resemble stones so closely that it can only be found with difficulty.
  47. 47
    Lithops karasmontana 'lateritia' (MG 1634)
    Sensu Dinter! Very nice bright rusty red top, very distinctive! One of the best!
  48. 48
    Cheiridopsis vanbredai (Ihlenfeldtia excavata f. vanbredai) NW Steinkopf, Northern Cape, South Africa
    Ihlenfeldtia excavata f. vanbredai (Cheiridopsis vanbredai) is a compact plant whit few short branches, sometime growing sunken in the ground. Leaves mucronate, whith stout teeth on the excavated keel. Flowers large, daisy-like.
  49. 49
    Aloinopsis setifera Kliprand, Western Cape, South Africa (MG 1317)
    Leaves with red teeth, big warts.
  50. 50
    Nananthus sp. Enkelekoppie, extremely variable, nice (MG 1781.911)
  51. 51
    Lithops gracilidelineata C309 cv. MILK & COFFEE  (Café-au-lait)
    This is a lovely variety that distinguishes for the delicate pastel colours with very fine dendritic orangish decorations in slightly depressed grooves; The fine network of lines (like snow flakes) is the prominent feature.
  52. 52
    Lithops marmorata C260 (syn. diutina) 15 km ENE of Steinkopf, South Africa
  53. 53
    Lithops karasmontana ssp. bella C285 Near Aus, Namibia
  54. 54
    Lithops aucampiae
  55. 55
    Lithops fulviceps f. aurea C363 Collector: Desmond Thorne Cole
    Chartreuse top, white flower.
  56. 56
    Cheiridopsis purpurea SB771  Hilda Peak, Wildeperderants Mountains, Rechtersveld, Cape Province, South Africa
    Purple flowers, smooth leaves.
  57. 57
    Gibbaeum velutinum Brandrivier (MG 1516.11)
    Pink flower, hooked curved leaf.
  58. 58
    Odontophorus pusilla Quachous, Northern Cape, South Africa (MG 1786.23)
    Wonderful dwarf! Big yellow flowers.
  59. 59
    Hereroa sp. Weissendoorn, Namibia, extremely tough to heat and cold (MG 1524.65)
  60. 60
    Rabiea lesliei Trompsburg
  61. 61
    Lithops karasmontana C169 (syn. mickbergensis) 20 km NNE of Grünau, Namibia
  62. 62
    Lithops lesliei var. venteri C153 (syn. maraisii) TL: 60 km NW of Kimberley, South Africa
    Yellowish-brown top, dark grey patterns!
  63. 63
    Lithops karasmontana C227 (syn. jacobseniana) TL: 10 km SW of Grünau, Namibia
    Orange grey body with thin dark brown lines.
  64. 64
    Lithops aucampiae v. koelemanii C256 35 km WSW of Postmasburg, South Africa
  65. 65
    Lithops dinteri ssp friedericii C180 TL: 30 km NW of Pofadder, South Africa
  66. 66
    Glottiphyllum suave
  67. 67
    Titanopsis aff. calcarea Ghams, Upington, Cape Province, South Africa
    Bronze leaves, deep yellow flowers. Very handsome.
  68. 68
    Titanopsis calcarea SB1111 Magersfontein, Kimberley, South Africa
  69. 69
    Lithops hookeri C142B 30 km NW of Niekerkshoop, South Africa
  70. 70
    Lithops fulviceps v. laevigata ne Pofadder (MG1593.2 = C412)
  71. 71
    Lithops aucampiae C332 (Kuruman Form) 5 km NE of Kuruman, South Africa
  72. 72
    Lithops aucampiae C392 cv. 'STORMS' SNOWCAP'
    Lithops aucampiae C392 cv. Storms’ Snowcap is a higly valued cultivars. The body is red brown with darker brown markings like the "Kuruman form" of Lithops aucampiae but it has a lovely white flower instead of yellow.