Forma minuscoli corpi rosso porpora scurissimo ricoperti da contrastanti areole lanose bianche. Sembra una Mammilaria luethyi e produce graziosi gruppi con il tempo. Family: Cactaceae (Cactus Family) Scientific name: Copiapoa tenuissima F. Ritter forma mostruosa Garden origin (Nursery produced cultivar) Listed in CITES appendix 2. Synonyms:
Copiapoa tenuissima "mostruosa" (Standard large stemmed clone) |
Description: There are some different clones of this heavy clumping cultivar, some of which very small and densely branched and some (the more common forms) with larger stems and fewer basal shoots. The cluster of heads never get much larger but can slowly fill a 10 cm bowl. |
Cultivation: Copiapoa tenuissima mostruosa is not a fast spreader like others but forms nice plants pretty quickly, water it moderately in summer and keep fairly dry in winter. Prefers a light shade or a full sun exposure, should be protected from excessive heat and sun in summer. |