Lithops salicola C321 25 km WNW of Petrusville, South Africa

Lithops salicola C321 25 km WNW of Petrusville, South Africa

Lithops salicola C321 25 km WNW of Petrusville, South Africa

Questa è una delle specie più facili da coltivare, ed è ritenuta essere anche una delle più tolleranti agli eccessi di innaffiature.
€ 3,00
€ 3,00


Questa è una delle specie più facili da coltivare, ed è ritenuta essere anche una delle più tolleranti agli eccessi di innaffiature.


Family: Mesebrianthemaceae (Aizoaceae)

Scientific name: Lithops salicola L. Bol. (1936)

Origin: From a salt pan in Orange Free State (SA)


Lithops salicola C321 25km WNW Petrusville




L. salicola is an easy species. Some people consider it one of the most tolerant of overwatering. It is not infrequent that seedlings grow up spontaneously in the potting container at the base of the mother plant.
This plant clumps up quickly  (Desmond Cole recorded a plant with more than 350 heads),  and they can get to be up to 25cm across (takes decades) and it is often seen in large mounds at shows because it is relatively easy to manage like that where many other species would quickly kill themselves.

Description: Truncate profile, obscurely translucent broad jagged or finely netted to almost uniform dark green dull, grey-green, brown or dark brown/violet, windows, flowers white in autumn.


Note: After flowering in the autumn and extending through winter season the plant doesn’t need watering, but they will still be growing, the new bodies will be increasing in size extracting water from the outer succulent leaves, allowing them to shrivel away.  In fact the plant in this time extracts water and nutrient stored in the outer succulent leaves, allowing them to dehydrate relocating the water  to the rest of the plant and to the new leaves that form during this period until the old leaves are reduced to nothing more than "thin papery shells".