Fiori molto numerosi e appariscenti, di color giallo brillante con stigma color porpora. E' una specie molto bella anche senza fiori grazie alla perfetta simmetrria delle spine.
Family: Cactaceae (Cactus Family) Conservation status: Listed in CITES Appendix II Notocactus eugeniae J.Van Vliet Scientific name: Parodia mammulosa ssp. eugeniae A.Hofacker NOTE: The entire genus Notocactus is currently included into Parodia Origin: Uruguay (Tacuarembó) Etymology: The plant was named after EUGENIA VAN VLIET, the wife of Dirk van Vliet (Dutch collector of cacti especially Notocacti) who discovered the palnt.
The flowers are numerous and very showy, they are yellow with glossy petals and have a dark purple stigma.
It is a pretty plant with white & red spines already an eye catch without any flowers.
Description: Globose cactus, up to 7 cm in diameter.
Cultivation: It is easy to grow. It prefers a neutral to slightly acidic mineral-based potting mixwith plenty of extra grit and feed during the summer. It likes a warm bright location, does great in partial shade but doesn't like full, hot blazing sun in the central summer month. Can support quite some water during the growing season but pot plants in winter are wet-sensitive and needs to be kept dry (rots easily if soil is wet and cold) tends to lose its roots in winter. Water Best if watered with rain water. Usually it is recommended to over-winter this plant in a bright and warm greenhouse with at least 8-10° C and rather dry (it tends to lose its roots and to rot if the substrate is wet and cold) but it has proved to tolerate temperatures as low as -5° C for short periods.
Propagation: Seeds.
The stigma is bright purple |