Lobivia aurea v. shaferi forma mostruosa

Lobivia aurea v. shaferi forma mostruosa
  • Lobivia aurea v. shaferi forma mostruosa
  • Lobivia aurea v. shaferi forma mostruosa
  • Lobivia aurea v. shaferi forma mostruosa
  • Lobivia aurea v. shaferi forma mostruosa
  • Lobivia aurea v. shaferi forma mostruosa

Lobivia aurea v. shaferi forma mostruosa

Own root plants, flowering size (Not grafted). It has almost spineless ovoidal stems that branches profusely and grow up to 30 cm tall. It is a heavy bloomer that start flowering when still very young and small.
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Own root plants, flowering size (Not grafted). It has almost spineless ovoidal stems that branches profusely and grow up to 30 cm tall. It is a heavy bloomer that start flowering when still very young and small.

Family: Cactaceae (Cactus Family)

Lobivia aurea var. shaferi "mostruosa"

Scientific name:  Echinopsis aurea Britton & Rose forma mostruosa

OriginProv. MIZQUE, dept. Cochabamba (Bolivia)

Conservation status: Listed in CITES appendix 2.

Common NameGolden Easter Lily Cactus

Lobivia aurea var. shaferii forma mostruosa.

Description: The standard L.  aurea v. shaferi is a very spiny cactus. The monstrous form here described is a quite different almost spineless clustering plant with ovoidal  growth habit that branches profusely and can slowly grow up to 30 cm tall.
Stem: Composed by upright sections that branches avidly up to 3-8 (-10) cm tall by 3-5 cm in diameter, bright-green to dull olive-green with purple hues in full sun, with only a few areoles with a short white wool. The areoles are arranged irregularly and
often are fused to form peculiar horizontal lines contrast with the stem.
Spines: Few honey-coloured to brown with darker tips, located on the few areole in groups. They can grow up to 4–25 mm long.
Flowers: Yellow and monstrous looking with short curled petals and an orangish floral tube.

It is a heavy bloomer that start flowering when still very still very young and small.

It has almost spineless ovoidal stems that branches profusely and grow up to 30 cm tall.

 Cultivation: It is a summer grower species that offers no cultivation difficulties.  Water regularly in summer (but do not over water it) It is rot prone and should be planted in a shallow pot. As most Echinopsis cultivated for their blossom, it needs a soil mixture a little richer than the average cactus with still an excellent drainage,  keep rather dry in winter.
It is quite frost resistant if kept dry (hardy to  -5° C
 Outside full sun or afternoon shade, inside needs bright light, and some direct sun.

Propagation: Grafting or cutting.