Agave victoria-reginae Sierra Parras, Coahuila, Mexico.

Agave victoria-reginae Sierra Parras, Coahuila, Mexico.

Agave victoria-reginae Sierra Parras, Coahuila, Mexico.

5 cm pot. Slow growing but tough and beautiful Agave suited for pot culture. It is consider the to be one of the most beautiful and desirable species.
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5 cm pot. Slow growing but tough and beautiful Agave suited for pot culture. It is consider the to be one of the most beautiful and desirable species.

Family: Agavaceae

Scientific Name: Agave victoria-reginae T. Moore, 1875. cult.

Origin:  It is endemic to the arid lower elevations of the Sierra Madre Oriental Mountains in the state of Coahuila and south of Nuevo Leon in north-eastern Mexico (Huasteca canyon, Sierras de las Noas, Viesca,  and adjacent areas just south of Saltillo).

Habitat: It grows mainly in calcareous soil characterised by a desert or semi-desert environment and is found in profusion on the steep slopes and near vertical cliffs of the canyon walls where forms large colonies. It is often associated with Hechtia sp. a genus of bromeliads which we often found growing with cacti.
While Agave victoria-reginae remains endangered in its native habitat, it has become very common in cultivation.

Common Names include: (Mexican) Noa

Etymology: It has been  named and described in honour of Queen Victoria of England by Thomas Moore.

A wild plant in habitat from La Huasteca, in Monterrey, Nuevo Leon.
[click to see a big sized photo]
(Photo:  Marco Antonio Arroyo - Mexico)

Description: A. Victoria-reginae is a very slow growing but tough and beautiful Agave. It is consider the to be one of the most beautiful and desirable species. Forms individual slow growing dense rosettes up to 45 cm in diameter (but usually rarely grows taller than 22 cm), most populations are solitary, but some offset heavily (forma caespitosa). It is extremely variable with the very open black-edged form sporting a distinct name (King Ferdinand's agave, Agave ferdinandi-regis) and several forms that are the more common white-edged form. Several cultivars have been named with different patterns of white leaf markings or no white markings (var. viridis) or variegation.
Leaves: Short,15-20 cm long and up to 3 cm broad, rigid and thick, trigonous, dark green, and beautifully marked with brilliant white-margins (The distinct longitudinal white markings are unique, slightly raised, like mini-variegation bordering each leaf) They are toothless, with only a short black, terminal spine. Levaes grow close together and are arranged in globose regular rosettes.
The inflorescence takes the form of a spike, from 2 to 4 metres high, containing many paired flowers of various colours, often with shades of purple red.
Blooming season:
Summer. As with all types of
Agave it have a long life cycle and sets flowers after approximately 20 to 30 years of vegetative growth, and the effort to produce the flowers exhausts the plant which dies within a short time.

Traditional uses: These plants were discovered by the Spaniards in the 17th century where the local Indians used them for fibres, food and to make an alcoholic drink like Tequila. The fibres were used to make clothing and ropes. Most of the plant was used for food, raw and cooked. Flowering stems and flowers are edible and were roasted or boiled.

With their exquisite symmetry and fantastic white-on-green markings, they are among the few agave of a proper size for most houses. Excellent for the cactus garden or in pots, where they stay manageable sized plants for many years.

Cultivation: It requires well-drained soil and light shade to full sun exposure, but they prefer some afternoon shade during the hottest summer month to avoid being fried by sun. It should be kept rather dry in winter or dormant season with minimum temperatures above zero in order to obtain good results,but it will tolerate quite low temperatures ( -10° C),  particularly when dry. To give this marvellous plant vigour and life, water well during spring and summe and let it become barely moist between waterings.
Fertilizer: Feed only twice a year, once in April and once in July with a water solublepotassium-rich fertilizer. Along the coast or in areas where there are no frosts, these plants may be cultivated with success outdoors where their beauty is better observed. In cold climates it is adviseable to cultivate these plants in pots in order to protect them during the winter in dry, fresh rooms. Plant Pests: Prone to mealy bugs and scale. Always inspect any new plant for pests before introducing it to your home or greenhouse. Requires good ventilation and avoid over-watering.

Propagation: It reproduces thanks to the seeds or by the suckers produced at the base of the stems in the spring. Propagate them in evenly moist soil, mist occasionally and keep in filtered sunlight until they are growing.