
  1. 1
    Gymnocactus beguinii v. senilis RS361 Arteaga (back on the left on the top of the hill), Coahuila, Mexico
  2. 2
    Gymnocalycium horstii fa.
  3. 3
    Turbinicarpus schmiedickeanus f. inermis (GRAFTED)
    Grafted. Selected cultivar with conic tubercles, smooth and without spines. Very particular and rare.
  4. 4
    Cremnocereus albipilosus Zudaňes, Bolivia (SEEDLING)
    Seedlings 3-5cm (or more). Cremnocereus albipilosus is a new columnar cactus from dry forests of Bolivia. It differs from other cacti by its woolly many-ribbed stems and flowers pollinated by bats. Discovered in 2017. VERY RARE!!!
  5. 5
    Astrophytum myriostigma cv. FUKURYU (Type B - HEKIRAN FUKURYU) "nudum f. variegata"
    Forma nuda variegata.
  6. 6
    Copiapoa pseudocoquimbana fa.
  7. 7
    Gymnocalycium mazanense fa.
  8. 8
    Gymnocalycium denudatum cv. CURLISPINUS
    Extraordinary cultivar with characteristic twisted, curled up spines. Rare, only a few available.
  9. 9
    Echinopsis melanopotamica Between Callingasta and Barreal, Argentina
    You Save:
    €2.40 (50%)
    Unusual species with stout, impressive yellow-tan spines bent over the plant apex. Stem dark or purplish. Flowers white about 15 cm in length.
  10. 10
    Sulcorebutia gemmae  LH1125 Hac. El Rodeo VZ. Zudanez, Bolivia
    Miniature cactus with pectinate spines. Flower purple or yellow.
  11. 11
    Peniocereus greggii
    Peniocereus greggii is a rare cactus with slender stems from large tuber that tastes a bit like a potato. Its flowers are white and bloom one night a year in June or July. In any given area, they all bloom at the same time.
  12. 12
    Echinocactus horizonthalonius IDD015/03 Villa Santo Domingo, San Luis Potosi, Mexico
  13. 13
    Echinocereus stramineus MN675 Brewster Co, Texas, USA
    Forming large groups, long whitish spines, huge magenta pink flowers. White wooly cephalium at stem tip.
  14. 14
    Echinocereus scopulorum ssp. pseudopectinatus Nacozari, Sonora, Mexico
    Slender, cylindrical stems with +/- pectinated spines, large pink flower.
  15. 15
    Mammillaria bocasana v. splendens
    The cultivar Splendens is a selected form with an extreme abundance of short white woolly hairs and very short hooked central spines. It is commonly called "Powder Puff Cactus", due to its cotton-ball-like appearance as it is covered in silky white hairs.
  16. 16
    Aztekium ritteri f. intercostatum GCG10888, Puente Ciprian, south-east of Rayones, Nuevo Leon, Mexico
    Seedling 0.8-1.2 cm.
  17. 17
    Escobaria missouriensis v. wissmannii
    Escobaria missouriensis v. wissmannii (syn: Neobesseya wissmannii) is the Texan population of Escobaria missouriensis. The flower is almost apical, with fringed petals, from light greenish yellow to yellow-green, with central stripes of green or rosy pink
  18. 18
    Echinopsis subdenudata hybrid (mix colors)
    Nice hybrid with short spines. Flowers in many different colors.
  19. 19
    Echinocereus milleri Coke Co, Texas, USA
    Small growing with reddish-white spines, green scented flower.
  20. 20
    Lobivia calorubra v. pojoensis TB1006.1 Pasorapa, Bolivia
    Flat green body, short yellowish-brown spines, later grey, large red flower.
  21. 21
    Echinocactus horizonthalonius Garambullo, Coahuila, Mexico
  22. 22
    Mammillaria humboldtii (cutting) 4-5 cm or larger
    This is one of the most beautiful species, with candid white spines and lots of bright purplish-pink flowers, blooming abundantly in spring.
  23. 23
    Mammillaria geminispina v. nobilis f. cristata
  24. 24
    Echinocereus primolanatus Hundido, Coahuila, Mexico
    Radial spines in two comblike rows cremy-white. Central spines hairlike, very fine and thin, brownish present only on young stems. Flower magenta-pink with white throat, very nice.
  25. 25
    Gymnocalycium parvulum v. amoenum LB995  Las Palmas, 1km North of crossroads, Cordoba, 1020m, Argentina
    Tiny grey body, pinkish spines, long white-pink flower.
  26. 26
    Gymnocalycium calochlorum TB635.2 North of Mina Clavero, Cordoba, Argentina
    Small flat body with few white spines, nice white-pink flower with reddish throat.
  27. 27
    Micranthocereus streckerii HU908 Seabra, Bahia, Brrazil
    Lots of pink flowers from top of stems, very beautiful plants! It likes temperatures above 15 C in winter.
  28. 28
    Cleistocactus viridiflorus LM441.01 North of Aucapata, Munecas, La Paz, Bolivia
    Yellowish-green tubular flowers.
  29. 29
    Eriosyce odieri v. malleolata is a small, globular cactus with a solitary dark brown body, often partially buried, aiding in water retention. Very pretty.
  30. 30
    Lobivia chrysantha MN96 Santa Rosa de Tastil, Salta, 3250m, Argentina
    Rather slow growing with long taproot, greyish-green body, short black spines, pretty yellowish flower with reddish throat.
  31. 31
    Escobaria missouriensis SB205 Sandoval Co, New Mexico, USA
    Perfect for rock garden, very hardy, thin whitish spines, light yellowish flowers, fruits small round and red. Winter hardy/Winterhart
  32. 32
    Echinocereus sanpedroensis Sonora, Mexico
    Group forming, brown straight spines, slender stems, long orange flower!
  33. 33
    Pilosocereus glaucescens HU272 Brazil
    You Save:
    €0.65 (12%)
    Bluish stem, white wooly cephalium at stem tip. Fantastic plants!
  34. 34
    Escobaria missouriensis v. marstonii Wolf Hole, Arizona, USA
    Very small green plant, yellow spines and yellow flowers! Flowers on small plants, 2 cm.
  35. 35
    Echinocereus santaritensis Mt. Lemmon, Arizona, USA
    Stem dull green to greyish green, group forming with stronger straight central spine, orange-red flower.
  36. 36
    Copiapoa coquimbana RUS200 Villa Puclaro, dpt. Coquimbo, Chile
  37. 37
    Astrophytum hybrid AS-MY (A. asterias  X A. myriostigma)
    Rare hybrid between Astrophytum asterias and Astrophytum myriostigma, rarely seen in cultivation due to the limited fertility between these two species. Few specimens available.
  38. 38
    Mammillaria schiedeana var. plumosa Las Adjuntas, Guanajuato, Mexico
    Mammillaria schiedeana var. plumosa is a white spined form with soft, woolly interwoven spination. Stem flattened, soft-fleshed with a thick root. Flowers cream-coloured followed by red fruits in late summer.
  39. 39
    Mammillaria saboae ssp. haudeana MK163.468 Yecora, Sonora, Mexico
  40. 40
    Mammillaria humboldtii RH132 Gilo, Hidalgo, Mexico
    This is one of the most beautiful species, with candid white spines and lots of bright purplish-pink flowers blooming abundantly in spring.
  41. 41
    Rebutia pygmaea MN224 Iturbe-Iruya, Jujuy, Argentina, 3550m
    Very small form, tiny spines, orange-pink flower.
  42. 42
    Ariocarpus kotschoubeyanus v. macdowellii
    Smaller than the type, with small smooth, beak-shaped tubercles and pale mauve flowers, often with a high percentage of white in the outer petals.
  43. 43
    Escobaria missouriensis v. asperispina DJF624 San Juan de Solio, Nuevo Leone, Mexico.
    Low growing winter hardy cactus species with greenish yellow or cream flowers. Raincover for hardy specimen planted outdoors recommended.
  44. 44
    Mammillaria decipiens v. albescens (syn: M. camptotricha v. albescens)
    The long, entwining ivory spines form a mat through which the small bell-shaped greenish-white flowers arrive from spring to late autumn.
  45. 45
    Gymnocalycium mihanovichii f. inermis cristata GREEN FORM (Ex Thayland)
    Beautiful Thai cultivar with conical tubercles without thorns. The plant is available in two distinct forms, one with green epidermis the other with brown epidermis.
  46. 46
    Gymnocalycium mihanovichii f. cristata (Ex Thayland)
    Own root (not grafted)
  47. 47
    Yavia cryptocarpa (grafted)
    Yavia is a small-sized monospecific genus (in habitat a specimen of 25 mm diameter is an extraordinarily fat and old plant). Plants are grafted to accelerate growth, as they would generally take at least a decade to reach maturity on their own.
  48. 48
    Chamaecereus hybrid cv. BURNING CHEEKS
  49. 49
    Notocactus agnetae fa.
    You Save:
    €0.36 (12%)
  50. 50
    Rebutia fabrisii v. aureiflora WR687 Valle Grande to Valle Colorado, Salta, Argentina
    Forming large groups of small, white spined heads, small yellow flowers.
  51. 51
    Aylostera pseudominuscula LF60 San Fernando de Escoipe, Salta, Argentina, 2600m
    Hides in high grass, short spines, long dark red flower.
  52. 52
    Mammillaria schumannii cv. UN PICO (f. monstrosa)
  53. 53
    Gymnocalycium schickendantzii
    Very particular species distinguishable from all the others. At the base of each tubercle there is a mahogany-colored spot in the shape of a V or U. Very beautiful.
  54. 54
    Coryphantha cv. MINI
  55. 55
    Mammillaria sartorii f. inermis monstrosa
  56. 56
    Strombocactus corregidorae VM974 Maconi, Queretaro, Mexico
  57. 57
    Discocactus chrystallophilus AH272 North of Curvelo, Minas Gerais or Mato Grosso, Brasil
    Dark green body, stiff dark brown spines, white scented flowers from cephalium.
  58. 58
    Ariocarpus retusus v. minimus PP569 Ejido Nuncio, Coahuila, Mexico
    6/7 years old seedlings.
  59. 59
    Mammillaria cv. JAN SUBA
    Interesting and beautiful cultivar with no or very few spines! Long tubercles with white wool, deep pink flowers!
  60. 60
  61. 61
    Echinopsis hybrid cv. STYLE
    You Save:
    €3.50 (50%)
  62. 62
    Astrophytum hybrid CAP-SK(capricorne x SUPERKABUTO) Mixed pattern
    Hybrid A. capricorne x A. asterias 'Superkabuto'. This hybrid inherited large white spots from “Superkabuto”.The ribs are also noticeably raised, clearly indicating kinship with A. capricorne. The flower are also very beautiful.
  63. 63
    Echinocactus grusonii RS163A Rio Tule Cañon, old road through Vista Hermosa, Queretaro, Mexico
  64. 64
    Gymnocalycium carminanthum Charli Slavík, Sierra Ambato, Catamarca, Argentina
    Crimson red flowers.
  65. 65
    Parodia maxima MN0515 South of Cana Cruz, 2991m, Tarija, Boivia
    You Save:
    €0.65 (12%)
    Fat stem covered in white and yellow spines, very long central spine! Yellow flower and (if pollinated) a long fruit.
  66. 66
    Aztekium valdezii (grafted)
  67. 67
    Notocactus purpureus
    You Save:
    €0.59 (12%)
    As the name implies Notocactus purpureus is a distinct purple blooming form related to Notocactus horstii. The spines are red-brown, and flowers from ranges from bright pink to dark purple.
  68. 68
    Acanthocalycium thionanthum v. glaucum KAS427.2
    Small grey-green, glaucous body, new spines dark, later greyish, flower yellow.
  69. 69
    Lobivia aurea v. fallax f. cristata
  70. 70
    Echinocereus pectinatus Guadalupe, Chihuahua, Mexico
  71. 71
    Gymnocactus beguinii (Turbinicarpus beguinii)  LX176 La Rinconada, Nuevo Leon, Mexico
    Grows along with Astrophytum capricorne and Thelocactus rinconensis on the slopes of La Rinconada, a beautiful place between Monterrey and Saltillo, on the border of the states of Nuevo Leon and Coahuila.
  72. 72
    Echinocereus engelmannii L13 San Borja, 200-400m, Baja California, Mexico (Echinocereus sanborgianus)
    You Save:
    €2.70 (50%)
    Group forming, long straight red-brown-white spines, huge pink flowrs. Grows together with Mammillaria setispina, Mammillaria dioica, Echinocereus ferreirianus and Ferocactus peninsulae.